[Java-collab] Simple Text Exchange Format

Andreas Schmitz schmitz at lat-lon.de
Wed May 28 03:42:59 EDT 2008

Paul Austin wrote:


> I saw in one of the other posts there was a discussion of binary format  
> to replace shape files quick random access to data. Someone suggested  
> using an embedded database such as H2 with a spatial extension. I think  
> that using a database is a much better way to go for this kind of  
> access. Otherwise if we come up with our own binary format we'll need to  
> deal with all the issues such as storage management and indexing that  
> databases already do for us.

I must say that I agree with Landon here (in the other post), I'd also like to
see a binary format that is more portable through languages and platforms. That
said, I'm sure that a way to store data in an embedded database has it's own
charm. Storing data in that way would also enable (more or less easy) transfer
of the data to a "real" spatial database like PostGIS (and vice versa).

> I do however think that we need a simple format for exchange of data.  
> Exchanging data may be via files or via a web service. GML in my view is  
> very verbose and complex to read and write and does not include an  
> embedded schema.


> I have been working on a CSV derivative which I'm calling Enhanced-CSV.  
> Basically it's a CSV file where the format is strict about placement of  
> commas and use of "". It also has two header sections. The first section  
> is a list of properties about the file, such as type name, projection,  
> author and a list of which attribute headers will follow. The next  
> header is the attribute header (schema). There can be multiple attribute  
> headers including the name,type, length, precision, required flag of the  
> attribute. There is one entry for each data column (attribute). Finally  
> there is the data section which is just all your rows of data encoded as  
> CSV. Geometries are encoded as WKT

Sounds easy and simple - I like it!

> I'm working on a specification for this format and hopefully should have  
> a draft up in the next month or so. I have developed a reader and writer  
> and a JUMP plug-in which I'll make available when I've finalized the  
> specification.
> Is this something that would interest any one else?

Definitely. Will the reader/writer be OpenSource? Which license?

Best regards, Andreas
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