[Java-collab] Geometry code sprint at FOSS4G

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 02:13:21 EDT 2009

Thanks for organising a venue Ben.

> I propose that we hold a FOSS4G code sprint to progress ISO 19107 /  
> GML 3D geometry collaboration (OSGeom) between GeoTools/GeoServer  
> and deegree communities. See here for more:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Code_Sprint#Geometry

Nice outline; there has also been an expression of interest from from  
a couple other user communities on this list; so I would change the  
"goals" section just to mention the java-collab list :-)

> Current plan is to follow Markus (or at the least, to follow Markus'  
> plan). :-)

Do you mind if we reduce that email to a series of bullet points? The  
discussion in the email gets in the way of what the sprint is set up  
to accomplish.
> AuScope has secured a venue (Intersect) with approximate capacity of  
> 12 developers that we can use for the geometry sprint on both the  
> Saturday (official code sprint day) and on Sunday (unofficial extra  
> fun day).

If you don't mind I will forward this to the deegree-devel and udig  
lists and see if we can scare up more collaboration.
Landon do you think you could ask on the open jump list (or be able to  
attend yourself?).

> - Who is able and willing to attend?

I will be able to attend. I believe Markus is still on vacation and  
may not answer for a bit.

> - What parts of the plan should we aim to complete?

Steps 1-3 seem fine; if we are organised we could probably do more  
depending on the number of volunteers.

> - Should we sprint on Saturday, Sunday, or both?

I am going to have to get back to you about Saturday; I would like to  
talk to talk to udig community about their plans. However if Markus is  
in town and is not running a deegree sprint it would be a shame not to  
focus on this for two days.


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