[Liblas-commits] hg: Add Joaquim's notes about boostpro.com's installer

liblas-commits at liblas.org liblas-commits at liblas.org
Tue Sep 7 12:11:42 EDT 2010

changeset 0b11d9405ad8 in /Volumes/Data/www/liblas.org/hg
details: http://hg.liblas.orghg?cmd=changeset;node=0b11d9405ad8
summary: Add Joaquim's notes about boostpro.com's installer


 doc/compilation.txt             |   14 +++++++++-----
 doc/images/boostpro-options.png |    0 
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diffs (27 lines):

diff -r 07d71b9aed4d -r 0b11d9405ad8 doc/compilation.txt
--- a/doc/compilation.txt	Sat Sep 04 00:28:43 2010 -0400
+++ b/doc/compilation.txt	Tue Sep 07 11:11:28 2010 -0500
@@ -68,12 +68,16 @@
 .. note::
-    If you are building on Windows, http://www.boostpro.com/download/ has 
-    an excellent installer.  Make sure to select the program_options 
-    library, and select static + multithreaded as the types.  If you want to 
-    link in a different way, you will have to change your CMakeLists.txt 
-    file accordingly.
+    If you are building on Windows, http://www.boostpro.com/download/ has an
+    excellent installer. The boost installer defaults are not enough, however,
+    and you will need to scroll down and select "Boost ProgramOptions" and
+    "Boost Serialization" components, and select static + multithreaded as the
+    types. If you want to link in a different way, you will have to change
+    your CMake cache variables ``Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS`` and ``Boost_USE_MULTITHREADED`` 
+    accordingly.
+    .. figure:: ./images/boostpro-options.png
+        :alt: Selecting program_options with the Boostpro.com installer
 .. _optional_libraries:
diff -r 07d71b9aed4d -r 0b11d9405ad8 doc/images/boostpro-options.png
Binary file doc/images/boostpro-options.png has changed

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