[Liblas-devel] LAS File Summarization

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 23:36:47 EDT 2010


<http://trac.liblas.org/wiki/LASSummaryExample> is an xmlification of typical lasinfo output.  What's special about this is that it was generated from within the libLAS library code rather than from a stand-alone application.  The intention is to provide library users a standard way to summarize files and fix up headers, as well as give GUI developers flexible and convenient output to feed their applications.

A couple of questions for those who might care:

- Is it worthwhile to optionally store this in a liblas-aware VLR when writing files?  It's not necessarily more information that someone could glean from properly reading the LAS header, but it is in a more malleable form.

- Does anything appear to be missing?

This effort is the result of incorporating Boost's property trees <http://live.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/doc/html/property_tree.html> into libLAS.  We can now emit a tree-like structure for most of the basic C++ classes within libLAS (Point, Header, SpatialReference, VLR).   I hope to be able to instantiate basic libLAS C++ classes from property trees as well, but this will have to be a post-1.6 feature.


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