[Live-demo] Access to Trac and Subversion

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 14:19:53 PDT 2013

Yes, we'd love to grant you access. Can you please follow our process 
outlined here:
and in the following Subversion section, noting publicly on this list 
that you agree to abide by our Open Source licences when committing 
code. (Draft words are in the wiki)

On 14/06/13 04:57, Ramirez, Paul M (398J) wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to contribute a VM Depot version of OSGeo-Live. Could I 
> please get access to Trac and subversion so I can enter the issue. My 
> osgeo-user id is: pramirez.
> /
> /
> Here is the issue I was hoping to add:
> Summary: OSGeoLive VM Depot Documentation
> Description:
> VM Depot [1] is a place to host community based VMs that can then be 
> spun up onto Microsoft Azure. Once the VM is hosted on VM Depot the 
> documentation will guide end users on how to start up the VM. From 
> there all the other OSGeoLive documentation should follow.
> The first step is to merely test out deploying the VM onto VM Depot 
> and then spinning it up on Azure. After some discussion on the mailing 
> list this process should be fairly straight forward as OSGeoLive is 
> already built as a VM. Any success here would guide doing the same on 
> Amazon. If there are changes to the VM then a separate task will be 
> initiated to track any changes for the VM.
> [1] http://vmdepot.msopentech.com/
> Type: Task
> Priority: Normal
> Milestone: OSGeoLive7.0
> Component: WebSite
> Keywords: vm vmdepot azure cloud
> Assign to: pramirez
> Thanks,
> Paul Ramirez
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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