[Mapbender-commits] r4706 - trunk/mapbender/resources/db

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Sat Sep 26 07:58:35 EDT 2009

Author: astrid_emde
Date: 2009-09-26 07:58:35 -0400 (Sat, 26 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 4706

scripts renamed to install.* version deleted

Copied: trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install.bat (from rev 4700, trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install_2.6.bat)
--- trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install.bat	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install.bat	2009-09-26 11:58:35 UTC (rev 4706)
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ at echo off
+REM Script to install Mapbender 2.6 database
+REM Delete old Logfiles
+del log_*.txt
+del err_*.txt
+echo ==============================================================================
+REM Disclaimer
+echo DISCLAIMER: this Mapbender database setup script is not stable. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
+echo This script will create a database for you and will import the Mapbender data to the new database
+echo It will possibly also compile the Mapbender.mo files
+echo You need:
+echo - a running postgresql or mysql database 
+echo - database user with write access 
+echo If everything is prepared you can continue.
+echo ==============================================================================
+echo Continue?
+set /p PREPARED="(y)es or (n)o:"
+if %PREPARED%==y goto :PREP_OK
+if %PREPARED%==n goto :End
+goto :PREP
+rem Database
+echo Which Database?
+set /p DBTYPE="(p)ostgresql or (m)ysql:"
+if %DBTYPE%==p goto :DB_PG
+if %DBTYPE%==m goto :DB_MYSQL
+goto :DB_TYPE
+REM Encoding
+echo Which Encoding?
+set /p DBENC="(u)tf-8 or (i)so-8859-1/latin1:"
+if %DBENC%==u goto :DB_UTF
+if %DBENC%==i goto :DB_ISO
+goto :DB_ENC
+IF %USEDBENC%x==x set USEDBENC=ISO-8859-1
+set /p DBHOST="Database host (localhost if running on local maschine):"
+set /p DBPORT="Database port (e.g. 5432 for postgres, 3306 for mysql):"
+set /p DBUSER="Database user:"
+rem Password
+rem echo.
+echo Database Password will be asked many times during install...
+set /p DBNAME="Database name:"
+echo Your Choices:
+echo Databasetype: %DBTYPE% - %USEDBTYPE%
+echo Encoding: %DBENC% - %USEDBENC%
+echo Database Host: %DBHOST%
+echo Database Port: %DBPORT%
+echo Database Name: %DBNAME%
+echo Database User: %DBUSER%
+echo Database Password: %DBPASSWORD% (not shown)
+echo Looks ok, start install?
+set /p START_INSTALL="(y)es or (n)o? "
+goto PREP
+rem echo on
+if %USEDBTYPE% == Mysql goto INSTMYSQL
+REM do these exist?
+psql --version 2> nul 1> nul
+set /p DBTEMPLATE="database template to use (just hit return for default):"
+IF %DBTEMPLATE%x==x set DBTEMPLATE=template0
+IF %DBHOST%x==x set DBHOST=localhost
+IF %DBPORT%x==x set DBPORT=5432
+echo creating db
+createdb -U %DBUSER% -E %USEDBENC% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -T %DBTEMPLATE% %DBNAME% "Mapbender Database Version 2.6"
+echo creating schema
+psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/pgsql_schema_2.5.sql %DBNAME% 1>log_schema.txt 2> err_schema.txt
+echo importing data
+psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/pgsql_data_2.5.sql %DBNAME% 1>log_data.txt 2> err_data.txt
+echo setting sequences
+psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/pgsql_serial_set_sequences_2.5.sql %DBNAME% 1>log_sequences.txt 2> err_sequences.txt
+echo performing updates
+echo to 2.5.1rc1
+psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.5_to_2.5.1rc1_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>log_update.txt 2> err_update.txt
+echo to 2.5.1
+psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.5.1rc1_to_2.5.1_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>>log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+echo to 2.6rc1
+psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.5.1_to_2.6rc1_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>>log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+echo to 2.6
+psql -U %DBUSER% -h %DBHOST% -p %DBPORT% -f pgsql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.6rc1_to_2.6_pgsql_%USEDBENC%.sql %DBNAME% 1>>log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+IF %DBHOST%x==x set DBHOST=localhost
+IF %DBPORT%x==x set DBPORT=3306
+mysql --version 2> nul 1> nul
+echo creating database
+if %USEDBENC% == ISO-8859-1 mysql -h %DBHOST% -P %DBPORT% -u %DBUSER% -e "create database %DBNAME% character set latin1 COLLATE latin1_german1_ci;" -p
+if %USEDBENC% == UTF-8 mysql -h %DBHOST% -P %DBPORT% -e "create database %DBNAME% character set utf8 COLLATE utf8_general__ci;" -p
+echo creating schema
+mysql %DBNAME% -p -h %DBHOST% -P %DBPORT% -u %DBUSER% < mysql/mysql_schema_2.5.sql > log_schema.txt 2> err_schema.txt
+echo loading data
+mysql %DBNAME% -p -h %DBHOST% -P %DBPORT% -u %DBUSER% < mysql/%USEDBENC%/mysql_data_2.5.sql > log_data.txt 2> err_data.txt
+echo update to 2.5.1rc1
+mysql %DBNAME% -p -h %DBHOST% -P %DBPORT% -u %DBUSER% < mysql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.5_to_2.5.1rc1_mysql_%USEDBENC%.sql > log_update.txt 2> err_update.txt
+echo update to 2.5.1
+mysql %DBNAME% -p -h %DBHOST% -P %DBPORT% -u %DBUSER% < mysql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.5.1rc1_to_2.5.1_mysql_%USEDBENC%.sql >> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+echo update to 2.6rc1
+mysql %DBNAME% -p -h %DBHOST% -P %DBPORT% -u %DBUSER% < mysql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.5.1_to_2.6rc1_mysql_%USEDBENC%.sql >> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+echo update to 2.6
+mysql %DBNAME% -p -h %DBHOST% -P %DBPORT% -u %DBUSER% < mysql/%USEDBENC%/update/update_2.6rc1_to_2.6_mysql_%USEDBENC%.sql >> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+rem install mapbender.conf
+if not exist ..\..\conf\mapbender.conf copy ..\..\conf\mapbender.conf-dist ..\..\conf\mapbender.conf
+echo please check and edit your mapbender.conf.
+rem update .po files
+echo ""
+msgfmt --version 2> nul 1> nul
+echo "Compiling .po files..."
+pushd ..\..\tools\
+findstr /v ^# i18n_update_mo.sh > i18n_update_mo.bat
+call i18n_update_mo.bat
+del i18n_update_mo.bat
+goto END:
+echo Sorry, msgfmt not found, must be in PATH-Variable, won't compile translations...
+echo Have a look at http://www.mapbender.org/Gettext#Utility_programms for msgfmt.
+goto END:
+goto END:
+echo Sorry, psql not found, must be in PATH-Variable, exiting...
+goto END
+echo Sorry, mysql not found, must be in PATH-Variable, exiting...
+goto END
+REM End, keep Terminal session open
+echo Finished...check the log files to see if an error occured.

Copied: trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install.sh (from rev 4700, trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install_2.6.sh)
--- trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mapbender/resources/db/install.sh	2009-09-26 11:58:35 UTC (rev 4706)
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# create database for mapbender
+function show_disclaimer() {
+    # Disclaimer
+    echo ""
+    echo "DISCLAIMER: this Mapbender database setup script is not stable. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!"
+    echo "The script will create a database for you and will import the Mapbender data to the new database"
+    echo "It will also compile the Mapbender.mo files"
+    echo ""
+    echo "To run this script you have to set the following options"
+    # echo " * set the right to execute on this install script"
+    # echo " * set the right to execute on mapbender/tools/i18n_update_mo.sh"
+    # echo " * write access to mapbender/log"
+    # echo " * write access to mapbender/http/tmp"
+    # echo " * write access to mapbender/resources/locale/ and subdirectories"
+    echo " * provide a database user that can create a database"
+    echo ""
+    echo ""
+    echo "If everything is prepared you can continue."
+    echo ""
+function del_logfile() {
+	rm log_*.txt
+	rm err_*.txt
+#get Database Configuration
+function get_db_config(){
+    until [ "$DBVERSION" = "p" -o "$DBVERSION" = "m" ]
+    do
+        echo ""
+        echo "database version? (p)ostgresql or (m)ysql?"
+        read DBVERSION
+    done
+    # db encoding
+    until [ "$DBENCODING" = "i" -o "$DBENCODING" = "u" ]
+    do
+        echo ""
+        echo "database character encoding? (i)so-8859-1 or (u)tf-8?"
+        read DBENCODING
+    done
+   #ask for database template
+    if [ "$DBVERSION" = "p" ]
+    then
+        echo ""
+        echo "database template to use (just hit return for default template0)?"
+        read DBTEMPLATE
+        : ${DBTEMPLATE:="template0"}
+    fi
+    # db name
+    until [ -n "$DBNAME" ]
+    do
+        echo ""
+        echo "database name?"
+        read DBNAME
+    done
+    #nicer vars
+    if [  "$DBVERSION" = "p" ]
+    then
+        DBVERSION="pgsql" 
+    else
+        DBVERSION="mysql" 
+    fi
+    if [  "$DBENCODING" = "i" ]
+    then
+        DBENCODING="ISO-8859-1" 
+    else
+        DBENCODING="UTF-8" 
+    fi
+    echo ""
+    echo "database host (e.g. localhost)?"
+    read DBHOST
+    echo ""
+    echo "database port (e.g. 5432 for postgres, 3306 for mysql)?"
+    read DBPORT
+    echo ""
+    echo "database user?"
+    read DBUSER
+#using a password via commandline oder as shell var could lead to security problems, so we don't do it
+#    echo ""
+#    echo "Password for $DBUSER (will not be shown)?"
+#	stty -echo
+#	stty echo
+#show Database Configuration
+function show_db_config(){
+    echo ""
+    echo "Database Configuration:"
+    echo "version:"  $DBVERSION
+    echo "encoding:" $DBENCODING
+    if [ $DBTEMPLATE ]
+    then
+        echo "postgres template:" $DBTEMPLATE
+    fi
+    echo "db host:" $DBHOST
+    echo "db port:" $DBPORT
+    echo "dbname:" $DBNAME
+    echo "user:"     $DBUSER
+    echo ""
+function create_mysql_db(){
+    which mysql > /dev/null
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+    then
+        echo "commando mysql, but not found, exiting..."
+        echo "is mysql installed?"
+        echo ""
+        exit 1;
+    fi
+    echo "Your password will be asked several times, this is normal"
+    echo "creating database"
+    if [ $DBENCODING = "ISO-8859-1" ]
+    then
+        mysql -e "create database $DBNAME CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german1_ci;" -p$DBPASSWORD -u $DBUSER
+    else
+        mysql -e "create database $DBNAME CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;" -p$DBPASSWORD -u $DBUSER
+    fi
+	echo "creating schema"
+	mysql $DBNAME -p$DBPASSWORD -u $DBUSER -h $DBHOST -P $DBPORT < mysql/mysql_schema_2.5.sql > log_schema.txt 2> err_schema.txt
+	echo "loading data"
+	mysql $DBNAME -p$DBPASSWORD -u $DBUSER -h $DBHOST -P $DBPORT < mysql/$DBENCODING/mysql_data_2.5.sql > log_data.txt 2> err_data.txt
+	echo "update to 2.5.1rc1"
+	mysql $DBNAME -p$DBPASSWORD -u $DBUSER -h $DBHOST -P $DBPORT < mysql/$DBENCODING/update/update_2.5_to_2.5.1rc1_mysql_$DBENCODING.sql > log_update.txt 2> err_update.txt
+	echo "update to 2.5.1"
+	mysql $DBNAME -p$DBPASSWORD -u $DBUSER -h $DBHOST -P $DBPORT < mysql/$DBENCODING/update/update_2.5.1rc1_to_2.5.1_mysql_$DBENCODING.sql >> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+	echo "update to 2.6rc1"
+	mysql $DBNAME -p$DBPASSWORD -u $DBUSER -h $DBHOST -P $DBPORT < mysql/$DBENCODING/update/update_2.5.1_to_2.6rc1_mysql_$DBENCODING.sql >> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+	echo "update to 2.6"
+	mysql $DBNAME -p$DBPASSWORD -u $DBUSER -h $DBHOST -P $DBPORT < mysql/$DBENCODING/update/update_2.6rc1_to_2.6_mysql_$DBENCODING.sql >> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+#Create Database (Postgres)
+function create_pgsql_db(){
+    which psql createdb > /dev/null
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+    then
+        echo "commando pgsql or createdb needed, but not found, exiting..."
+        echo "is PostgreSQL installed?"
+        echo ""
+        exit 1;
+    fi
+    echo "Your password will be asked several times, this is normal (unless .pgpass is used)"
+    echo "creating database"
+    echo "creating schema"
+	psql -U $DBUSER  -h $DBHOST -p $DBPORT -f pgsql/pgsql_schema_2.5.sql $DBNAME > log_schema.txt 2> err_schema.txt
+    echo "loading data"	
+    psql -U $DBUSER  -h $DBHOST -p $DBPORT -f pgsql/$DBENCODING/pgsql_data_2.5.sql $DBNAME > log_data.txt 2> err_data.txt
+	echo "setting sequences"
+    psql -U $DBUSER  -h $DBHOST -p $DBPORT -f pgsql/pgsql_serial_set_sequences_2.5.sql $DBNAME > log_sequences.txt 2> err_squences.txt
+	echo "update to 2.5.1rc1"
+    psql -U $DBUSER  -h $DBHOST -p $DBPORT -f pgsql/$DBENCODING/update/update_2.5_to_2.5.1rc1_pgsql_$DBENCODING.sql $DBNAME > log_update.txt 2> err_update.txt
+	echo "update to 2.5.1"
+	psql -U $DBUSER  -h $DBHOST -p $DBPORT -f pgsql/$DBENCODING/update/update_2.5.1rc1_to_2.5.1_pgsql_$DBENCODING.sql $DBNAME >> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+	echo "update to 2.6rc1"
+	psql -U $DBUSER  -h $DBHOST -p $DBPORT -f pgsql/$DBENCODING/update/update_2.5.1_to_2.6rc1_pgsql_$DBENCODING.sql $DBNAME >> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+	echo "update to 2.6"
+	psql -U $DBUSER  -h $DBHOST -p $DBPORT -f pgsql/$DBENCODING/update/update_2.6rc1_to_2.6_pgsql_$DBENCODING.sql $DBNAME >> log_update.txt 2>> err_update.txt
+function set_permissions(){
+    echo "The installer can set the permissions to the files"
+    echo "and directory for you. If you want the installer to"
+    echo "do this please enter (y)es else (n)o"
+    echo "Please note, to do this you have to be"
+    echo "read write access to the Mapbender directory"
+    echo "set permissions, (y)es or (n)?"
+    read automatic
+    if test $automatic != "n"
+    then
+          echo "Do you want that all files are owned by the apache webserver? (y)es or (n)o"
+          read setowner
+          if test $setowner != "n"
+          then
+	        echo "Please specify the webserver user"
+	        read webservuser
+	        echo "Please specify the webserver group"
+	        read webservgroup
+	        chown -R $webservuser:$webservgroup ../../
+          fi
+          echo "setting permissions on /resources/locale/ and subdirectories"
+          chmod -R o+rw ../locale
+          echo "setting execute rights on mapbender/tools/i18n_update_mo.sh"
+          chmod -R o+rx ../../tools/i18n_update_mo.sh
+          # creating mapbender.conf
+          if [ -f ../../conf/mapbender.conf ]
+          then
+            echo "mapbender.conf already exists, not changed"
+          else
+            cp ../../conf/mapbender.conf-dist ../../conf/mapbender.conf
+          fi
+          echo ""
+          echo "please check and edit the entries in your mapbender.conf manually!"
+    fi
+function compile_po(){
+    echo ""
+    echo "Compiling .po files..."
+    cd ../../tools/
+    sh ./i18n_update_mo.sh
+    cd ../resources/db/
+    echo "removing permissions on /resources/locale/ and subdirectories"
+    chmod -R o-rw ../locale
+    echo "removing execute rights on mapbender/tools/i18n_update_mo.sh"
+    chmod -R o-rx ../../tools/i18n_update_mo.sh
+    echo ""
+#magic starts here
+echo "Continue? (y)es or (n)o"
+read disclaimer
+if test $disclaimer != "y"
+	exit 1
+echo "Look ok? Start Install? (y)es or (n)o"
+read ANSWER
+if [ $ANSWER != "y" ]
+    exec $0
+if [ $DBVERSION = "pgsql" ]
+    echo "Creating Postgres Database with encoding:$DBENCODING"
+    create_pgsql_db;
+    echo "Creating Mysql Database with encoding:$DBENCODING"
+    create_mysql_db;
+    echo ""
+echo ""
+echo "Finished...check the log and error files to see if an error occured.";

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