[Mapbender-commits] r5381 - trunk/mapbender/http/print

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Wed Jan 20 11:00:52 EST 2010

Author: christoph
Date: 2010-01-20 11:00:52 -0500 (Wed, 20 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 5381


Deleted: trunk/mapbender/http/print/mod_printPDF_div.js
--- trunk/mapbender/http/print/mod_printPDF_div.js	2010-01-20 16:00:32 UTC (rev 5380)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/print/mod_printPDF_div.js	2010-01-20 16:00:52 UTC (rev 5381)
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
- * Package: printPDF
- *
- * Description:
- * Mapbender print PDF with PDF templates module.
- * 
- * Files:
- *  - http/print/mod_printPDF_div.js
- *  - http/print/classes
- *  - http/print/printFactory.php
- *  - http/print/printPDF_download.php
- *  - http/print/printbox.js
- *
- * SQL:
- * > INSERT INTO gui_element(fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_title, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES('gui2','printPDF',2,1,'pdf print','Print','div','','',1,1,2,2,5,'','<div id="printPDF_working_bg"></div>
- * > <div id="printPDF_working">
- * > <img src="../img/indicator_wheel.gif" style="padding:10px 0 0 10px">
- * > Generating PDF
- * > </div>
- * > <div id="printPDF_input">
- * > <form id="printPDF_form" action="../print/printFactory.php">
- * > <div id="printPDF_selector"></div>
- * > <div class="print_option">
- * > <input type="hidden" id="map_url" name="map_url" value=""/>
- * > <input type="hidden" id="overview_url" name="overview_url" value=""/>
- * > <input type="hidden" name="measured_x_values" />
- * > <input type="hidden" name="measured_y_values" /><br />
- * > </div>
- * > <div class="print_option" id="printPDF_formsubmit">
- * > <input id="submit" type="submit" value="Print"><br />
- * > </div>
- * > </form>
- * > <div id="printPDF_result">
- * > </div>
- * > </div>','div','../print/mod_printPDF_div.js','','mapframe1','','http://www.mapbender.org/index.php/Print');
- * >  
- * > INSERT INTO gui_element_vars(fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES('gui2', 'printPDF', 'mbPrintConfigFilenames', '["testConfigTemplate.json"]', '' ,'var');
- * > INSERT INTO gui_element_vars(fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, var_value, context, var_type) VALUES('gui2', 'printPDF', 'mbPrintConfigTitles', '["Standard"]', '' ,'var');
- *
- * Help:
- * http://www.mapbender.org/PrintPDF_with_template
- *
- * Maintainer:
- * http://www.mapbender.org/User:Michael_Schulz
- * 
- * Parameters:
- * mbPrintConfigFilenames      - *[optional]* JSON string array / filenames of the json configuration files
- * mbPrintConfigTitles         - *[optional]* JSON string array / title of the template to be shown in a select box in a mapbender application
- *
- * License:
- * Copyright (c) 2009, Open Source Geospatial Foundation
- * This program is dual licensed under the GNU General Public License 
- * and Simplified BSD license.  
- * http://svn.osgeo.org/mapbender/trunk/mapbender/license/license.txt
- */
-var myTarget = options.target ? options.target[0] : "mapframe1";
-var myId = options ? options.id : "printPDF";
-/* the array of json print config files */
-if (typeof mbPrintConfigFilenames === "undefined") {
-	mbPrintConfigFilenames = ["mapbender_template.json"];
-if (typeof mbPrintConfigTitles === "undefined") {
-	mbPrintConfigTitles = ["Default"];
-var mbPrintConfigPath = "../print/";
-/* ------------- printbox addition ------------- */
-var PrintPDF = function (options) {
-	var that = this;
-	/**
- 	 * Property: actualConfig
-	 * 
-	 * object, holds the actual configuration after loading the json file
-	 */
-	var actualConfig;
-	/**
- 	 * constructor
-	 */
-	eventInit.register(function () {
-		mod_printPDF_init();
-	});
-	/**
- 	 * Property: printBox
-	 * 
-	 * the movable printframe
-	 */	
-	var printBox = null;
-	eventAfterMapRequest.register(function () {
-		if (printBox !== null) {
-			printBox.repaint();
-		}
-	});
-	/**
- 	 * Method: createPrintBox
-	 * 
-	 * creates a printBox in the current view, calculates the scale 
-	 * (tbd. if not set from the config) so that the printbox fits in the mapframe.
-	 * Width and height are taken from the configuration.
-	 */
-	this.createPrintBox = function () {
-		size = "A4";
-		//document.form1.size.value = size;
-		format = "portrait";
-		var w, h;
-		//validate();
-		var map = getMapObjByName(myTarget);
-		var map_el = map.getDomElement();
-		var jqForm = $("#"+myId+"_form");
-		var $scaleInput = $("#scale");
-		if (printBox !== null) {
-			printBox.destroy();
-			printBox = null;
-			jqForm[0].scale.value = "";
-			jqForm[0].coordinates.value = "";
-			jqForm[0].angle.value = "";
-		}
-		else {
-			printBox = createBox({
-				target : myTarget,
-				printWidth : getPDFMapSize("width")/10,
-				printHeight : getPDFMapSize("height")/10,
-				scale : $scaleInput.size() > 0 && !isNaN(parseInt($scaleInput.val(), 10)) ? 
-					parseInt($scaleInput.val(), 10) : 
-					Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(map.getScale())/Math.LN10)),
-				afterChangeAngle : function (obj) {
-					if (typeof(obj) == "object") {
-						if (typeof(obj.angle) == "number") {
-							jqForm[0].angle.value = obj.angle;
-						}
-						if (obj.coordinates) {
-							jqForm[0].coordinates.value = String(obj.coordinates);
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				afterChangeSize : function (obj) {
-					if (typeof(obj) == "object") {
-						if (obj.scale) {
-							jqForm[0].scale.value = parseInt(obj.scale / 100, 10) * 100;
-						}
-						if (obj.coordinates) {
-							jqForm[0].coordinates.value = String(obj.coordinates);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		}
-	};
-	/**
- 	 * Method: getPDFMapSize
-	 * 
-	 * checks the actual config for the size w/h values.
-	 *
-	 * Parameters:
-	 * key      - string, the key which value to retrieve (currently width or height)
-	 */	
-	var getPDFMapSize = function (key) {
-		for (var page in actualConfig.pages) {
-			for (var pageElement in actualConfig.pages[page].elements) {
-				if (actualConfig.pages[page].elements[pageElement].type == "map") {
-					return actualConfig.pages[page].elements[pageElement][key];
-				}
-			}
-		} 
-	};
-	/**
- 	 * Method: destroyPrintBox
-	 * 
-	 * removes an existing printBox.
-	 */	
-	var destroyPrintBox = function () {
-		if (printBox) {
-			printBox.destroy();
-		}
-	};
-	/**
- 	 * Method: mod_printPDF_init
-	 * 
-	 * initializes the print modules, generates template chooser and loads first configuration.
-	 */	
-	var mod_printPDF_init = function () {
-		/* first we'd need to build the configuration selection */
-		buildConfigSelector();	
-		/* second we'd need to read the json configuration */
-		that.loadConfig(mbPrintConfigFilenames[0]);
-	};
-	/**
- 	 * Method: loadConfig
-	 * 
-	 * GETs the config, build corresponding form, remove an existing printBox
-	 */		
-	this.loadConfig = function (configFilename, callback) {
-		$.get(mbPrintConfigPath + configFilename, function(json, status){
-		    actualConfig = $.parseJSON(json);
-		    buildForm(); 
-		    hookForm();
-			if (typeof callback === "function") {
-				printBox = null;
-				callback();
-			}
-		});
-		destroyPrintBox();
-	};
-	/**
- 	 * Method: hookForm
-	 * 
-	 * utility method to connect the form plugin to the print form.
-	 */	
-	var hookForm = function () {
-		var options = { 
-	   		url:			'../print/printFactory.php', 
-	   		type:			'post',
-	   		dataType:		'json',
-	   		beforeSubmit: 	validate,
-	   		success:    	showResult
-		};
-		$("#"+myId+"_form").ajaxForm(options);	
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Change status of the working elements. These should begin with "$myId_working" 
-	 *
-	 * @param {String} newStatus either "hide or "show"
-	 */
-	var showHideWorking = function (newStatus) {
-		if (newStatus=="hide") {
-	    	$("[id^='"+myId+"_working']").hide();
-		}
-	    else {
-	    	$("[id^='"+myId+"_working']").show();	
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * update form values helper function
-	 *
-	 */
-	var updateFormField = function (formData, key, value) {
-		for(var j=0; j < formData.length; j++){
-			if (formData[j].name == key) {
-				formData[j].value = value;
-				break;
-			}
-		}	
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Validates and updates form data values.
-	 * Adds the elements before the submit button.
-	 *
-	 * @see jquery.forms#beforeSubmitHandler
-	 */
-	var validate = function (formData, jqForm, options) {
-		showHideWorking("show");
-		// map urls
-		var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(myTarget);
-		var f = jqForm[0];
-		f.map_url.value = '';
-		f.overview_url.value = '';
-		for(var i=0; i < mb_mapObj[ind].wms.length; i++){
-			if(mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].gui_wms_visible > 0){
-				if(mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].mapURL != false && mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].mapURL != 'false' && mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].mapURL != ''){   
-					if(f.map_url.value != ""){
-						f.map_url.value += '___';
-					}      
-					f.map_url.value += mb_mapObj[ind].wms[i].mapURL;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		updateFormField(formData, "map_url", f.map_url.value);
-		//overview_url
-		var ind_overview = getMapObjIndexByName('overview');
-		if(mb_mapObj[ind_overview].mapURL != false ){
-		    f.overview_url.value = mb_mapObj[ind_overview].mapURL;
-			updateFormField(formData, "overview_url", f.overview_url.value);
-		}
-		updateFormField(formData, "map_scale", mb_getScale(myTarget));
-		// write the measured coordinates
-		if (typeof(mod_measure_RX) !== "undefined") {
-			var tmp_x = '';
-			var tmp_y = '';
-			for(i = 0; i < mod_measure_RX.length; i++) {
-				if(tmp_x != '') {
-					tmp_x += ',';
-				}
-				tmp_x += mod_measure_RX[i];
-			}
-			for(i = 0; i < mod_measure_RY.length; i++) {
-				if(tmp_y != '') {
-					tmp_y += ',';
-				}
-				tmp_y += mod_measure_RY[i];
-			}
-			updateFormField(formData, "measured_x_values", tmp_x);
-			updateFormField(formData, "measured_y_values", tmp_y);
-		}	
-		if (f.map_url.value!="") {
-			//return true;
-		} else {
-		    showHideWorking("hide");
-			return false;
-		}
-	};
-	/**
- 	 * Method: showResult
-	 * 
-	 * load the generated PDF from the returned URL as an attachment, 
-	 * that triggers a download popup or is displayed in PDF plugin.
-	 */		
-	var showResult = function (res, text) {
-		if (text == 'success') {
-			var $downloadFrame = $("#" + myId + "_frame");
-			if ($downloadFrame.size() === 0) {
-				$downloadFrame = $(
-					"<iframe id='" + myId + "_frame' name='" + 
-					myId + "_frame' width='0' height='0' style='display:none'></iframe>"
-				).appendTo("body");
-			}
-			if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version === "6.0") {
-				var newWin = window.open(stripslashes(res.outputFileName), "Druckausgabe", "width=200,height=200,left=700,top=200,resizable=yes");
-			}
-			else {
-				window.frames[myId + "_frame"].location.href = 
-					stripslashes(res.outputFileName);
-			}
-			showHideWorking("hide");	
-		}
-		else {
-			/* something went wrong */
-			$("#"+myId+"_result").html(text);
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Generates form elements as specified in the config controls object.
-	 * Adds the elements before the submit button.
-	 * 
-	 * @param {Object} json the config object in json
-	 */
-	var buildForm = function () {
-		$(".print_option_dyn").remove();
-		var str = "";
-		for (var item in actualConfig.controls) {
-			var element = actualConfig.controls[item];
-			var element_id = myId + "_" + element.id;
-			if (element.type != "hidden") {
-				str += '<div class="print_option_dyn">\n';	
-				str += '<label class="print_label" for="'+element.id+'">'+element.label+'</label>\n';
-			} else {
-				str += '<div class="print_option_dyn" style="display:none;">\n';	
-			}
-			switch (element.type) {
-				case "text":
-					str += '<input type="'+element.type+'" name="'+element.id+'" id="'+element.id+'" size="'+element.size+'"><br>\n';
-					break;
-				case "hidden":
-					str += '<input type="'+element.type+'" name="'+element.id+'" id="'+element.id+'">\n';
-					break;				
-				case "textarea":
-					str += '<textarea id="'+element.id+'" name="'+element.id+'" size="'+element.size+'"></textarea><br>\n';
-					break;				
-				case "select":
-					str += '<select id="'+element.id+'" name="'+element.id+'" size="1">\n';
-					for (var option_index in element.options) {
-						option = element.options[option_index];
-						str += '<option value="'+option.value+'">'+option.label+'</option>\n';
-					}
-					str += '</select><br>\n';
-					break;
-			}
-			str += '</div>\n';
-		}
-		if (str) {
-			$("#" + myId + "_formsubmit").before(str);
-			$("#scale").keydown(function (e) {
-				if (e.keyCode !== 13) {
-					return;
-				}
-				var scale = parseInt(this.value, 10);
-				if (isNaN(scale) || typeof printBox === "undefined") {
-					return false;
-				}
-				printBox.setScale(scale);
-				return false;
-			});
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Generates the configuration select element from the gui element vars
-	 * mbPrintConfigFilenames and mbPrintConfigTitles
-	 */
-	var buildConfigSelector = function () {
-		var str = "";
-		str += '<label class="print_label" for="printPDF_template">Vorlage</label>\n';
-		str += '<select id="printPDF_template" name="printPDF_template" size="1" onchange="printObj.loadConfig(mbPrintConfigFilenames[this.selectedIndex], function () {printObj.createPrintBox()});">\n';
-		for (var i = 0; i < mbPrintConfigFilenames.length; i++) {
-			str += '<option value="'+mbPrintConfigFilenames[i]+'">'+mbPrintConfigTitles[i]+'</option>\n';
-		}
-		str += '</select><img src="../print/img/shape_handles.png" onclick="try{printObj.createPrintBox();}catch(exc){alert(printObj);}" title="Use printbox">\n';
-		if (str) {
-			$("#printPDF_selector").append(str);
-			$("#printPDF_working").bgiframe({ 
-				src: "BLOCKED SCRIPT'&lt;html&gt;&lt;/html&gt;';",
-				width: 200,
-				height: 200
-			});
-		}
-	};
-	var stripslashes = function ( str ) {
-	    return (str+'').replace(/\0/g, '0').replace(/\\([\\'"])/g, '$1');
-	};
-var printObj = new PrintPDF();

Deleted: trunk/mapbender/http/print/printbox.js
--- trunk/mapbender/http/print/printbox.js	2010-01-20 16:00:32 UTC (rev 5380)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/print/printbox.js	2010-01-20 16:00:52 UTC (rev 5381)
@@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
-function createBox (options) {
-	myPrintBox = new PrintBox(options);
-	myPrintBox.paintPoints();
-	myPrintBox.paintBox();	
-	return myPrintBox;
-function PrintBox (options) {
-	if (!options) {
-		options = {};
-	}
-	var target = options.target || "mapframe1";
-	var map = getMapObjByName(target);
-//	var map = Mapbender.modules[target];
-	var map_el = map.getDomElement();
-	// Default is portrait, A4, unit seems to be cm
-	var printWidth = options.printWidth || 21;
-	var printHeight = options.printHeight || 29.7;
-	// initialised in setScale()
-	var boxWidth, boxHeight; 
-	var scale = options.scale || 100000;
-	// behaviour
-	var afterChangeAngle = options.afterChangeAngle || function (obj) {};
-	var afterChangeSize = options.afterChangeSize || function (obj) {};
-	// styles
-	var opacity = options.boxOpacity || 0.6;
-	var boxColour = options.boxColour || "#9999FF";
-	var frameColour = options.frameColour || "#000000";
-	var pointColour = options.pointColour || "#DD0000";
-	var circleColour = options.circleColour || "#DD0000";
-	var circleWidth = options.circleWidth || 4;
-	// attributes
-	this.id = "printbox";
-	var angle = 0;
-	var totalAngle = 0;
-	// the four points of the box as pixel coordinates (incl rotation),
-	// with (0,0) as center. This is important for angle calculations.
-	var pointArray = [];
-	// The pointArray is moved by the center vector.
-	// default: place box in the center of the map
-	var center = options.center || new Point(map.width/2,map.height/2);
-	// the center in real world coordinates
-	var centerMap = null;
-	// the four points of the box as pixel coordinates (NO ROTATION)
-	var startPointPixArray = [];
-	// the four points of the box as real world coordinates (NO ROTATION)
-	var startPointMapArray = [];
-	var that = this;
-	// if the box is smaller than this, the circle will not be drawn
-	// if the box is larger than this, the box will not be filled
-	this.toString = function () {
-		var str = "";
-		str += "Center: " + getCenter() + "\n";
-		str += "Radius: " + radius + "\n";
-		str += "StartRadius: " + startRadius + "\n";
-		str += "Pixelpos: " + String(pointArray) + "\n";
-		str += "StartPixelpos: " + String(startPointPixArray) + "\n";
-		str += "Mappos: " + String(startPointMapArray) + "\n";
-		return str;
-	};
-	var initBehaviour = function () {
-		initMoveBehaviour();
-		initResizeBehaviour();
-		initRotateBehaviour();
-	};
-	var initRotateBehaviour = function () {
-		$circleCanvas.css("z-index", "110").mousedown(function (e) {
-			circleCanvas.clear();	
-			var newCenter = getCenter();
-			var mouseMoveStart = map.getMousePos(e);
-			var vectorA = pointArray[0].minus(newCenter);
-			var currentPos = map.getMousePos(e);
-			var vectorCurrent = currentPos.minus(newCenter);
-			angle = Math.ceil(getAngle(vectorA, vectorCurrent));
-			$(document).mousemove(function (e) {
-				var currentPos = map.getMousePos(e);
-				var vectorCurrent = currentPos.minus(newCenter);
-				var currentAngle = Math.ceil(getAngle(vectorA, vectorCurrent));
-				var diffAngle = currentAngle - angle;
-				if (Math.abs(diffAngle) >= 1) {
-					angle = currentAngle;
-					totalAngle = ((totalAngle + diffAngle) +360 )% 360;
-					that.rotate(totalAngle);
-				}
-				return false;
-			}).mouseup(function (e) {
-				angle = 0;
-				$(document).unbind("mousemove");
-				$(document).unbind("mouseup");
-				afterChangeAngle({
-					angle: totalAngle,
-					coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
-				});
-				that.paintBox();
-				return false;
-			});	
-			return false;
-		}).css("cursor", "move");
-	};
-	var initMoveBehaviour = function () {
-		$boxCanvas.mousedown(function (e) {
-			circleCanvas.clear();	
-			var mouseMoveStart = map.getMousePos(e);
-			var containerStart = new Point(
-				parseInt($container.css("left"), 10),
-				parseInt($container.css("top"), 10)
-			);
-			var diff;
-			$(document).mousemove(function (e) {
-				diff = (map.getMousePos(e)).minus(mouseMoveStart);
-				$container.css({
-					"top": (containerStart.y + diff.y) + "px",
-					"left": (containerStart.x + diff.x) + "px"
-				});
-				return false;
-			}).mouseup(function (e) {
-				$(document).unbind("mousemove");
-				$(document).unbind("mouseup");
-				recalculateMapPositions();
-				that.rotate(totalAngle);
-				that.paintBox();
-				return false;
-			});	
-			return false;
-		});
-	};
-	var initResizeBehaviour = function () {
-		$pointCanvas.css("z-index", "120").mousedown(function (e) {
-			circleCanvas.clear();	
-			var vectorA = getCenter();
-			resizeRatio = 1;
-			mouseMoveStart = map.getMousePos(e);
-			$(document).mousemove(function (e) {
-				var newRadius = vectorA.dist(map.getMousePos(e));
-				var resizeRatio = newRadius / radius;
-				if (resizeRatio < 0.98 || resizeRatio > 1.02) {
-					for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) {
-						pointArray[i].x *= resizeRatio;
-						pointArray[i].y *= resizeRatio;
-						startPointPixArray[i].x *= resizeRatio;
-						startPointPixArray[i].y *= resizeRatio;
-					}
-					radius *= resizeRatio;
-					that.paintPoints();
-				}
-				return false;
-			});
-			$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
-				$(document).unbind("mousemove");
-				$(document).unbind("mouseup");
-				recalculateMapPositions();
-				recalculatePixPositions();
-				afterChangeSize({
-					scale: that.getScale(),
-					coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
-				});
-				that.rotate(totalAngle);
-				that.paintBox();
-				return false;
-			});
-			return false;
-		}).css("cursor", "move");
-	};
-	var setCenter = function (inputCenter) {
-		center = inputCenter.minus(
-			new Point(
-				parseInt($container.css("left"), 10), 
-				parseInt($container.css("top"), 10)
-			)
-		);
-	};
-	var getCenter = function () {
-		var c = center.plus(
-			new Point(
-				parseInt($container.css("left"), 10), 
-				parseInt($container.css("top"), 10)
-			)
-		);
-		return c;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Calculates the angle (-180 < angle <= 180) between two vectors.
-	 * 
-	 * @param {Point} a
-	 * @param {Point} b
-	 */
-	var getAngle = function (a, b) {
-		var undirectedAngle = 180 * Math.acos(
-				(a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y) 
-				/
-				(
-					Math.sqrt(
-						a.x * a.x
-					+ 
-					 	a.y * a.y
-					) * 
-					Math.sqrt(
-						b.x * b.x
-					+ 
-						b.y * b.y
-					)
-				)
-			) / Math.PI;
-		if ((a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x) > 0) {
-			return -1 * undirectedAngle;
-		}
-		return undirectedAngle;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * To be replaced by the map objects native getMousePosition
-	 * 
-	 * @param {Event} e
-	var getMousePos = function (e) {
-		if ($.msie) {
-			return new Point(event.clientX, event.clientY);
-		}
-		return new Point(e.pageX, e.pageY);
-	};
-	 */
-	var recalculateMapPositions = function () {
-		for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) {
-			startPointMapArray[i] = convertPixelToMap(startPointPixArray[i].plus(getCenter()));
-		}
-		centerMap = convertPixelToMap(getCenter());
-	};
-	var recalculatePixPositions = function () {
-		setCenter(convertMapToPixel(centerMap));
-		for (var i = 0; i < startPointMapArray.length; i++) {
-			pointArray[i] = convertMapToPixel(startPointMapArray[i]).minus(getCenter());
-			startPointPixArray[i] = convertMapToPixel(startPointMapArray[i]).minus(getCenter());
-		}
-		radius = pointArray[0].dist(new Point(0,0));
-		startRadius = radius;
-		boxWidth = pointArray[2].x - pointArray[0].x;
-		boxHeight = pointArray[0].y - pointArray[2].y;
-	};
-	var initPoints = function () {
-		var w = parseInt((boxWidth/2), 10);
-		var h = parseInt((boxHeight/2), 10);
-		pointArray[0] = new Point(-w,  h);
-		pointArray[1] = new Point( w,  h);
-		pointArray[2] = new Point( w, -h);
-		pointArray[3] = new Point(-w, -h);
-		startPointPixArray[0] = (new Point(-w,  h));
-		startPointPixArray[1] = (new Point( w,  h));
-		startPointPixArray[2] = (new Point( w, -h));
-		startPointPixArray[3] = (new Point(-w, -h));
-		radius = pointArray[0].dist(new Point(0,0));
-		startRadius = radius;
-		recalculateMapPositions();
-		scale = that.getScale();
-	};
-	var switchBoxDimensions = function () {
-		setBoxDimensions(boxHeight, boxWidth);
-		afterChangeSize({
-			scale: that.getScale(),
-			coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
-		});
-	};
-	this.setPortrait = function () {
-		this.setAngle(0);
-		if (boxWidth > boxHeight) {
-			switchBoxDimensions();
-		}
-	};
-	this.setLandscape = function () {
-		this.setAngle(0);
-		if (boxWidth < boxHeight) {
-			switchBoxDimensions();
-		}
-	};
-	this.setPrintWidthAndHeight = function (width, height) {
-		var currentScale = this.getScale();
-		printWidth = width;
-		printHeight = height;
-		this.setScale(currentScale);
-	};
-	var convertMapToPixel = function (aPoint) {
-		var pArray = makeRealWorld2mapPos(map.elementName, aPoint.x, aPoint.y);
-		return new Point(pArray[0], pArray[1]);
-	};
-	var convertPixelToMap = function (aPoint) {
-		var pArray = makeClickPos2RealWorldPos(map.elementName, aPoint.x, aPoint.y);
-		return new Point(pArray[0], pArray[1]);
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Sets the box width and box height (calculated in setScale)
-	 * 
-	 * @param {Integer} inputWidth
-	 * @param {Integer} inputHeight
-	 */
-	var setBoxDimensions = function (inputWidth, inputHeight) {
-		boxWidth = inputWidth;
-		boxHeight = inputHeight;
-		initPoints();
-		that.rotate(totalAngle);
-		afterChangeSize({
-			scale: that.getScale(),
-			coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
-		});
-		that.paintBox();
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Returns an array of two points, the lower left and upper right of the initial box
-	 */
-	this.getStartCoordinates = function () {
-		var a = startPointMapArray[0];
-		var b = startPointMapArray[2];
-		if (!a || !b) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		var returnString =  a.x + "," + a.y + "," + b.x + "," + b.y;
-		return returnString;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Returns the current scale of the print box
-	 */
-	this.getScale = function () {
-		var coords = this.getStartCoordinates();
-		var coordsArray = coords.split(",");		
-		var ext = mapObj.getExtentInfos();
-		var extMinX = ext.minx;
-		var extMaxX = ext.maxx;
-		var x = (ext.minx + ext.maxx)/2;
-		var y = (ext.miny + ext.maxy)/2;
-		var scale1 = (x - coordsArray[0]) * (mb_resolution * 100 *2) / mapObj.width;
-		var scale2 = (coordsArray[2] - x) * (mb_resolution * 100 *2) / mapObj.width;
-		scale = Math.round(scale1/2 + scale2/2);
-		return scale;
-		var coords = this.getStartCoordinates();
-		var coordsArray = coords.split(",");		
-		xtentx =  coordsArray[2] - coordsArray[0];
-		scale = parseInt(Math.ceil(xtentx / (printWidth / 100)), 10);
-		return scale;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Repaints the Box with the current scale. Can be called from outside, 
-	 * for example after zoom in.
-	 */
-	this.repaint = function () {
-		recalculatePixPositions();
-		this.rotate(totalAngle);
-		this.paintBox();
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Sets the current scale, and repaints the box
-	 * 
-	 * @param {Integer} inputScale
-	 */
-	this.setScale = function (inputScale) {
-		if (typeof(inputScale) == "number") {
-			var arrayBBox = mapObj.extent.split(",");
-			x = parseFloat(arrayBBox[0]) + ((parseFloat(arrayBBox[2]) - parseFloat(arrayBBox[0]))/2);
-			y = parseFloat(arrayBBox[1]) + ((parseFloat(arrayBBox[3]) - parseFloat(arrayBBox[1]))/2);
-			var minx = parseFloat(x) - (mapObj.width / (mb_resolution * 100 *2) * inputScale);
-			var miny = parseFloat(y) -  (mapObj.height / (mb_resolution * 100 *2) * inputScale);
-			var maxx = parseFloat(x) + (mapObj.width / (mb_resolution * 100 *2) * inputScale);
-			var maxy = parseFloat(y) +  (mapObj.height / (mb_resolution * 100 *2) * inputScale);
-			var newMinPos = makeRealWorld2mapPos(mapObj.frameName, minx, miny);
-			var newMaxPos = makeRealWorld2mapPos(mapObj.frameName, maxx, maxy);
-			var newBoxWidth = newMaxPos[0] - newMinPos[0];
-			var newBoxHeight = newBoxWidth * (printHeight / printWidth);
-			var mapWidthInM = printWidth / 100;
-			var realWidthInM = inputScale * mapWidthInM;
-			var mapHeightInM = printHeight / 100;
-			var realHeightInM = inputScale * mapHeightInM;
-			var coords = this.getStartCoordinates();
-			if (coords !== null) {
-				var coordsArray = coords.split(",");
-				var oldMin = new Point(parseFloat(coordsArray[0]), parseFloat(coordsArray[1]));
-				var oldMax = new Point(parseFloat(coordsArray[2]), parseFloat(coordsArray[3]));
-				centerMap = (oldMin.times(0.5)).plus(oldMax.times(0.5));
-			}
-			else {
-				centerMap = convertPixelToMap(getCenter());
-			}
-			var newMin = new Point(centerMap.x - 0.5 * realWidthInM, centerMap.y - 0.5 * realHeightInM);
-			var newMax = new Point(centerMap.x + 0.5 * realWidthInM, centerMap.y + 0.5 * realHeightInM);
-			startPointMapArray[0] = new Point(newMin.x, newMin.y);
-			startPointMapArray[1] = new Point(newMax.x, newMin.y);
-			startPointMapArray[2] = new Point(newMax.x, newMax.y);
-			startPointMapArray[3] = new Point(newMin.x, newMax.y);
-			this.getStartCoordinates();
-			var newMinPos = convertMapToPixel(newMin);
-			var newMaxPos = convertMapToPixel(newMax);
-			boxWidth = newMaxPos.x - newMinPos.x;
-			boxHeight = newMinPos.y - newMaxPos.y;
-			var w = parseInt(0.5 * boxWidth, 10);
-			var h = parseInt(0.5 * boxHeight, 10);
-			pointArray[0] = new Point(-w,  h);
-			pointArray[1] = new Point( w,  h);
-			pointArray[2] = new Point( w, -h);
-			pointArray[3] = new Point(-w, -h);
-			startPointPixArray[0] = (new Point(-w,  h));
-			startPointPixArray[1] = (new Point( w,  h));
-			startPointPixArray[2] = (new Point( w, -h));
-			startPointPixArray[3] = (new Point(-w, -h));
-			radius = pointArray[0].dist(new Point(0,0));
-			startRadius = radius;
-			this.rotate(totalAngle);
-			afterChangeSize({
-				scale: that.getScale(),
-				coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
-			});
-			that.paintBox();
-			return true;
-		}
-		return false;
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Sets the angle of the box to a specific angle.
-	 * 
-	 * @param {Integer} angle
-	 */
-	this.setAngle = function (angle) {
-		if (typeof(angle) == "number" && angle >= -360) {
-			totalAngle = (360 + angle) % 360;
-			this.rotate(totalAngle);
-			this.paintBox();
-			afterChangeAngle({
-				angle: totalAngle,
-				coordinates: that.getStartCoordinates()
-			});
-			return true;
-		}
-		return false;
-	};
-	//
-	//
-	// VIEW
-	//
-	//
-	/**
-	 * Rotates the box by a given degree (0 <= degree < 360), 
-	 * and paints the corner points.
-	 * 
-	 * @param {Integer} degree
-	 */
-	this.rotate = function (degree) {
-		var rotationAngle = (Math.PI * parseFloat(degree))/180;
-		var resizeRatio = radius / startRadius;
-		for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) {
-			var p = (convertMapToPixel(startPointMapArray[i])).minus(getCenter());
-			var newx = p.x * Math.cos(rotationAngle) + p.y * Math.sin(rotationAngle);
-			var newy = p.x * -Math.sin(rotationAngle) + p.y * Math.cos(rotationAngle);
-			pointArray[i] = (new Point(newx, newy)).times(resizeRatio);
-		}
-		afterChangeAngle({
-			angle: degree,
-			coordinates: this.getStartCoordinates()
-		});
-		this.paintPoints();
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Paints the four corner points of the print box.
-	 */
-	this.paintPoints = function () {
-		switchActiveCanvas();
-		var c = center;
-		for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) {
-			activeCanvas.fillEllipse(
-				pointArray[i].x + c.x - 4,
-				pointArray[i].y + c.y - 4,
-				8,
-				8
-			);
-		}
-		activeCanvas.paint();
-		passiveCanvas.clear();
-	};
-	var boxTooBig = function () {
-		if (boxWidth > MAX_BOX_WIDTH_OR_HEIGHT || boxHeight > MAX_BOX_WIDTH_OR_HEIGHT) {
-			return true;
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	var boxTooSmall = function () {
-		if (boxWidth < MIN_BOX_WIDTH_OR_HEIGHT || boxHeight < MIN_BOX_WIDTH_OR_HEIGHT) {
-			return true;
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Paints the box itself. Plus the circle.
-	 */
-	this.paintBox = function () {
-		var r = Math.round(0.75 * radius);
-		var c = center;
-		circleCanvas.clear();	
-		if (!boxTooSmall() && !boxTooBig()) {
-			circleCanvas.drawEllipse(c.x-r, c.y-r, 2*r, 2*r);
-		}
-		else {
-			new Mb_warning("The print box is too small or too big. The rotate circle is not shown.");
-		}
-		circleCanvas.paint();
-		boxCanvas.clear();
-		if (!boxTooBig()) {
-			boxCanvas.fillPolygon([
-				pointArray[0].x + c.x,
-				pointArray[1].x + c.x,
-				pointArray[2].x + c.x,
-				pointArray[3].x + c.x
-			], 
-			[
-				pointArray[0].y + c.y,
-				pointArray[1].y + c.y,
-				pointArray[2].y + c.y,
-				pointArray[3].y + c.y
-			]);
-		}
-		else {
-			new Mb_warning("The print box is too big. The box is not filled.");
-		}
-		// frame
-		boxCanvas.setColor(frameColour);	
-		for (var i = 0; i < pointArray.length; i++) {
-			var indexA = i % 4;
-			var a = pointArray[indexA].plus(center);
-			var indexB = (i + 1) % 4;
-			var b = pointArray[indexB].plus(center);
-			boxCanvas.drawLine(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y);
-		}
-		boxCanvas.setColor(boxColour);	
-		boxCanvas.paint();
-	};
-	/**
-	 * Clears all canvases, to be performed onunload.
-	 */
-	this.destroy = function () {
-		circleCanvas.clear();	
-		boxCanvas.clear();
-		activeCanvas.clear();
-		passiveCanvas.clear();
-		$("#" + this.id).remove();
-	};
-	var switchActiveCanvas = function () {
-		if (canvasNr == 1) {
-			canvasNr = 2;
-			activeCanvas = jg[2];
-			passiveCanvas = jg[1];
-		}
-		else {
-			canvasNr = 1;
-			activeCanvas = jg[1];
-			passiveCanvas = jg[2];
-		}
-	};
-	var $container = $("<div id='" + this.id + "' style='position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;" + 
-		"'></div>");
-	var $superContainer = $("<div id='container_" + this.id + "' style='position:absolute;z-index:1000;'></div>");
-	$superContainer.append($container);
-	//$("#"+map.elementName).append($superContainer);
-	$(map_el).append($superContainer);
-	var canvasName = [
-		this.id + "_canvas_box",
-		this.id + "_canvas_points1",
-		this.id + "_canvas_points2",
-		this.id + "_canvas_circle"
-	];
-	var jg = [];
-	var canvasNr = 1;
-	for (var i = 0; i < canvasName.length; i++) {
-		$container.append(
-			$("<div id='" + canvasName[i] + "'></div>")
-		);
-		jg[i] = new jsGraphics(canvasName[i]);
-	}
-	$circleCanvas = $("#" + canvasName[3]);
-	$pointCanvas = $("#" + canvasName[1] +  ", #" + canvasName[2]);
-	$boxCanvas = $("#" + canvasName[0]);
-	$boxCanvas.css({
-		"opacity" : opacity, 
-		"filter" : "alpha(opacity=" + (opacity * 100) + ")"
-	});
-	var boxCanvas = jg[0];
-	boxCanvas.setColor(boxColour);	
-	var activeCanvas = jg[1];
-	activeCanvas.setColor(pointColour);
-	var passiveCanvas = jg[2];
-	passiveCanvas.setColor(pointColour);
-	var circleCanvas = jg[3];
-	circleCanvas.setColor(circleColour);
-	circleCanvas.setStroke(circleWidth);	
-	var mouseMoveStart = [];	
-	var radius = 0;
-	var startRadius = 0;
-	// "constructor" functions
-	initBehaviour();
-	this.setScale(scale);
-	mb_registerPanSubElement($superContainer.get(0).id);
\ No newline at end of file

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