[Mapbender-commits] r9154 - in trunk/mapbender/http: php plugins

svn_mapbender at osgeo.org svn_mapbender at osgeo.org
Mon Feb 23 06:16:59 PST 2015

Author: syed
Date: 2015-02-23 06:16:59 -0800 (Mon, 23 Feb 2015)
New Revision: 9154

fix publish data-collection

Added: trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_GetPublishedData.php
--- trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_GetPublishedData.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/php/mod_GetPublishedData.php	2015-02-23 14:16:59 UTC (rev 9154)
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ * @version   Changed: ### 2015-02-23 14:00:42 UTC ###
+ * @author    Raphael.Syed <raphael.syed at WhereGroup.com> http://WhereGroup.com
+ */
+//import classes
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/class_wmc.php");
+ * publish the choosed data
+ */
+// get data from session and request
+$user_id = Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id");
+$wmc_id = $_GET["wmc_id"];
+$outputFormat = $_GET['outputFormat'];
+//get the wmc_serial_id from database
+$sql = 'SELECT wmc_serial_id FROM mb_user_wmc WHERE wmc_id = $1';
+$v = array($wmc_id);
+$t = array("c");
+$res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t);
+//fetch the array
+if($row = db_fetch_array($res)){
+    $wmc_serial_id = $row;
+//create a WMC object from a WMC in the database
+$xml = wmc::getDocument($wmc_serial_id[0]);
+$myWmc = new wmc();
+#  Decode from JSON to array
+foreach ($myWmc->generalExtensionArray as $key =>  &$value) {
+   $value = json_decode($value,true);
+// create and numerically indexed array
+$kmls = array_values($myWmc->generalExtensionArray["KMLS"]);
+//parse the geojson from the array
+$geoJson = $kmls[0]["data"];
+//create the fileName
+$file = "myDataCollection.".$outputFormat;
+// set headers to force the download
+header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . urlencode($file));
+header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
+header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
+header("Content-Type: application/download");
+// handle the different outputformat
+if ($outputFormat == 'geojson') {
+    // create the json-file
+    $geoJsonFile = '../tmp/myDataCollection.geojson';
+    // put the contents to the created file
+    file_put_contents($geoJsonFile, json_encode($geoJson));
+    // create a string from the created file
+    $fileString = file_get_contents('../tmp/myDataCollection.geojson');
+    // return the string
+    echo $fileString;
+    die;
+}elseif ($outputFormat == 'gpx') {
+    //convert geojson to kml
+    //create the geojson-file temporary
+    $temp_geojson = '../tmp/myDataCollection.geojson';
+    // write the file
+    file_put_contents($temp_geojson,json_encode($geoJson));
+    //transform the geojson to kml
+    $unique = '../tmp/myDataCollection';
+    $fGeojson = $unique.".geojson";
+    $fKml = $unique.".kml";
+    $pathOgr = '/usr/bin/ogr2ogr';
+    // execute ogr2ogr
+    $exec = $pathOgr.' -f KML '.$fKml.' '.$fGeojson;
+    exec(escapeshellcmd($exec));
+    //enter location of KML file here
+    $kml = "../tmp/myDataCollection.kml";
+    // create gpx from kml
+    kml_to_gpx($kml);
+    die;
+}elseif ($outputFormat == 'kml') {
+    //convert geojson to kml
+    //create the geojson-file temporary
+    $temp_geojson = '../tmp/myDataCollection.geojson';
+    // write the file
+    file_put_contents($temp_geojson,json_encode($geoJson));
+    //transform the file to kml
+    $unique = '../tmp/myDataCollection';
+    $fGeojson = $unique.".geojson";
+    $fKml = $unique.".kml";
+    $pathOgr = '/usr/bin/ogr2ogr';
+    //execute ogr2ogr to transfrom json to kml
+    $exec = $pathOgr.' -f KML '.$fKml.' '.$fGeojson;
+    exec(escapeshellcmd($exec));
+    // create string from kml-file
+    $fileString = file_get_contents('../tmp/myDataCollection.kml');
+    //return the string
+    echo $fileString;
+    die;
+ * converts a kml-file into a gpx-file
+ * @param  string $u the file location
+ * @return the gpx-file
+ */
+function kml_to_gpx($u){
+    $u_parts = pathinfo($u); //array of url parts
+    $u_ext = strtoupper($u_parts['extension']);
+    if ($u_ext== "KML") {
+        $dom_kml = new DOMDocument();
+        $dom_kml->load($u);
+        $dom_gpx = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
+        $dom_gpx->formatOutput = true;
+        //root node
+        $gpx = $dom_gpx->createElement('gpx');
+        $gpx = $dom_gpx->appendChild($gpx);
+        $gpx_version = $dom_gpx->createAttribute('version');
+        $gpx->appendChild($gpx_version);
+        $gpx_version_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode('1.0');
+        $gpx_version->appendChild($gpx_version_text);
+        $gpx_creator = $dom_gpx->createAttribute('creator');
+        $gpx->appendChild($gpx_creator);
+        $gpx_creator_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode('http://thydzik.com');
+        $gpx_creator->appendChild($gpx_creator_text);
+        $gpx_xmlns_xsi = $dom_gpx->createAttribute('xmlns:xsi');
+        $gpx->appendChild($gpx_xmlns_xsi);
+        $gpx_xmlns_xsi_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance');
+        $gpx_xmlns_xsi->appendChild($gpx_xmlns_xsi_text);
+        $gpx_xmlns = $dom_gpx->createAttribute('xmlns');
+        $gpx->appendChild($gpx_xmlns);
+        $gpx_xmlns_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode('http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0');
+        $gpx_xmlns->appendChild($gpx_xmlns_text);
+        $gpx_xsi_schemaLocation = $dom_gpx->createAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation');
+        $gpx->appendChild($gpx_xsi_schemaLocation);
+        $gpx_xsi_schemaLocation_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode('http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0/gpx.xsd');
+        $gpx_xsi_schemaLocation->appendChild($gpx_xsi_schemaLocation_text);
+        $gpx_url = $dom_gpx->createElement('url');
+        $gpx_url = $gpx->appendChild($gpx_url);
+        $gpx_url_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode($u_parts['dirname']);
+        $gpx_url->appendChild($gpx_url_text);
+        $gpx_time = $dom_gpx->createElement('time');
+        $gpx_time = $gpx->appendChild($gpx_time);
+        $gpx_time_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode(utcdate());
+        $gpx_time->appendChild($gpx_time_text);
+        // placemarks
+        $names = array();
+        foreach ($dom_kml->getElementsByTagName('Placemark') as $placemark) {
+            //name
+            foreach ($placemark->getElementsByTagName('name') as $name) {
+                $name  = $name->nodeValue;
+                //check if the key exists
+                if (array_key_exists($name, $names)) {
+                    //increment the value
+                    ++$names[$name];
+                    $name = $name." ({$names[$name]})";
+                } else {
+                    $names[$name] = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            //description
+            foreach ($placemark->getElementsByTagName('description') as $description) {
+                $description  = $description->nodeValue;
+            }
+            foreach ($placemark->getElementsByTagName('Point') as $point) {
+                foreach ($point->getElementsByTagName('coordinates') as $coordinates) {
+                    //add the marker
+                    $coordinate = $coordinates->nodeValue;
+                    $coordinate = str_replace(" ", "", $coordinate);//trim white space
+                    $latlng = explode(",", $coordinate);
+                    if (($lat = $latlng[1]) && ($lng = $latlng[0])) {
+                        $gpx_wpt = $dom_gpx->createElement('wpt');
+                        $gpx_wpt = $gpx->appendChild($gpx_wpt);
+                        $gpx_wpt_lat = $dom_gpx->createAttribute('lat');
+                        $gpx_wpt->appendChild($gpx_wpt_lat);
+                        $gpx_wpt_lat_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode($lat);
+                        $gpx_wpt_lat->appendChild($gpx_wpt_lat_text);
+                        $gpx_wpt_lon = $dom_gpx->createAttribute('lon');
+                        $gpx_wpt->appendChild($gpx_wpt_lon);
+                        $gpx_wpt_lon_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode($lng);
+                        $gpx_wpt_lon->appendChild($gpx_wpt_lon_text);
+                        $gpx_time = $dom_gpx->createElement('time');
+                        $gpx_time = $gpx_wpt->appendChild($gpx_time);
+                        $gpx_time_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode(utcdate());
+                        $gpx_time->appendChild($gpx_time_text);
+                        $gpx_name = $dom_gpx->createElement('name');
+                        $gpx_name = $gpx_wpt->appendChild($gpx_name);
+                        $gpx_name_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode($name);
+                        $gpx_name->appendChild($gpx_name_text);
+                        $gpx_desc = $dom_gpx->createElement('desc');
+                        $gpx_desc = $gpx_wpt->appendChild($gpx_desc);
+                        $gpx_desc_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode($description);
+                        $gpx_desc->appendChild($gpx_desc_text);
+                        //$gpx_url = $dom_gpx->createElement('url');
+                        //$gpx_url = $gpx_wpt->appendChild($gpx_url);
+                        //$gpx_url_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode($ref);
+                        //$gpx_url->appendChild($gpx_url_text);
+                        $gpx_sym = $dom_gpx->createElement('sym');
+                        $gpx_sym = $gpx_wpt->appendChild($gpx_sym);
+                        $gpx_sym_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode('Waypoint');
+                        $gpx_sym->appendChild($gpx_sym_text);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            foreach ($placemark->getElementsByTagName('LineString') as $lineString) {
+                foreach ($lineString->getElementsByTagName('coordinates') as $coordinates) {
+                    //add the new track
+                    $gpx_trk = $dom_gpx->createElement('trk');
+                    $gpx_trk = $gpx->appendChild($gpx_trk);
+                    $gpx_name = $dom_gpx->createElement('name');
+                    $gpx_name = $gpx_trk->appendChild($gpx_name);
+                    $gpx_name_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode($name);
+                    $gpx_name->appendChild($gpx_name_text);
+                    $gpx_trkseg = $dom_gpx->createElement('trkseg');
+                    $gpx_trkseg = $gpx_trk->appendChild($gpx_trkseg);
+                    $coordinates = $coordinates->nodeValue;
+                    $coordinates = preg_split("/[\s\r\n]+/", $coordinates); //split the coords by new line
+                    foreach ($coordinates as $coordinate) {
+                        $latlng = explode(",", $coordinate);
+                        if (($lat = $latlng[1]) && ($lng = $latlng[0])) {
+                            $gpx_trkpt = $dom_gpx->createElement('trkpt');
+                            $gpx_trkpt = $gpx_trkseg->appendChild($gpx_trkpt);
+                            $gpx_trkpt_lat = $dom_gpx->createAttribute('lat');
+                            $gpx_trkpt->appendChild($gpx_trkpt_lat);
+                            $gpx_trkpt_lat_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode($lat);
+                            $gpx_trkpt_lat->appendChild($gpx_trkpt_lat_text);
+                            $gpx_trkpt_lon = $dom_gpx->createAttribute('lon');
+                            $gpx_trkpt->appendChild($gpx_trkpt_lon);
+                            $gpx_trkpt_lon_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode($lng);
+                            $gpx_trkpt_lon->appendChild($gpx_trkpt_lon_text);
+                            $gpx_time = $dom_gpx->createElement('time');
+                            $gpx_time = $gpx_trkpt->appendChild($gpx_time);
+                            $gpx_time_text = $dom_gpx->createTextNode(utcdate());
+                            $gpx_time->appendChild($gpx_time_text);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        header("Content-Type: text/xml");
+        echo $dom_gpx->saveXML();
+    }
+ * create a utcdate
+ * @return utcdate objekt]
+ */
+function utcdate() {
+        return gmdate("Y-m-d\Th:i:s\Z");

Modified: trunk/mapbender/http/plugins/kmlTree.js
--- trunk/mapbender/http/plugins/kmlTree.js	2015-02-18 15:16:49 UTC (rev 9153)
+++ trunk/mapbender/http/plugins/kmlTree.js	2015-02-23 14:16:59 UTC (rev 9154)
@@ -108,12 +108,14 @@
                             v[3] = '<img src="' + v[3] + '"></img>';
                         if (v[4]) {
-                            v[4] = '<img src="../img/osgeo_graphics/check.png"></img><img src="../img/osgeo_graphics/geosilk/link22.png"></img>';
+                            v[4] = '<img src="../img/osgeo_graphics/check.png"></img><img class="exportImage" src="../img/osgeo_graphics/geosilk/link22.png"></img>';
                         } else {
                             v[4] = '<img src="../img/button_digitize/geomRemove.png"></img>';
                         v[5] = Math.round(v[5] / 1024) + 'kb';
+                    // add dialog for ópen links
                     $('#kml-from-wmc').html('<table class="display"></table>').find('table').dataTable({
                             aaData: data,
                             aoColumns: [{
@@ -129,8 +131,107 @@
                             }, {
                                 sTitle: 'size'
+                        }).find('.exportImage').bind('click', function(event) { // add click event to the link image
+                            // stop event propagation beacause the following bind has to catch the click events on the 'tr'
+                            event.stopPropagation();
+                            if ($('#dataExportDialog').dialog('isOpen') === true) {
+                                $('#dataExportDialog').dialog('close');
+                                $('#dataExportDialog').remove();
+                                $(this).trigger('click');
+                            } else {
+                                var title = $(this).parent().siblings().eq(1).html();
+                                var wmc_id = $(this).parent().siblings().eq(0).html();
+                                var outputFormat;
+                                var dataExportDlg = $('<div id="dataExportDialog"></div>').dialog({
+                                    title: "Export my data " + title,
+                                    width: 250,
+                                    height: 212,
+                                    position: {
+                                        my: "center",
+                                        at: "top",
+                                        of: window
+                                    },
+                                    close: function() {
+                                        $('#dataExportDialog').dialog('destroy');
+                                        $('#dataExportDialog').remove();
+                                    }
+                                });
+                                var exportHtmlsdfdsf = '<div id="exportHtml">' + '<form>' + '<label class="export-format-kml">KML<input type="radio" name="export-format" value="kml" checked="checked"></input></label>' + '<label class="export-format-kml">KML<input type="radio" name="export-format" value="kml" checked="checked"></input></label>' + '<label class="export-format-kml">KML<input type="radio" name="export-format" value="kml" checked="checked"></input></label><br><br>' +
+                                    '<img src="../img/osgeo_graphics/geosilk/link22.png"/>' + '<label class="export-format-gpx">GPX</label>' + '<label class="export-format-geojson">geoJSON</label><br></br>' +
+                                    '<a download="myfeatures.kml" href="#" class="digitize-image digitize-export" style="float: left;"></a>' + '</form>' + '</div>';
+                                var exportHtml = '<div id="exportHtml"><table><tbody>' +
+                                    '<tr><td>KML:</td><td><label class="export-format-kml exportDatasetIcon" style="padding-top:11px;"></label></td><td class="exportDataLink kml" wmcId="'+wmc_id+'"outputFormat="kml"><img src="../img/osgeo_graphics/geosilk/link22.png"/></td></tr>' +
+                                    '<tr><td>GPX:</td><td><label class="export-format-gpx exportDatasetIcon" style="padding-top:11px;"></label></td><td class="exportDataLink gpx" wmcId="'+wmc_id+'"outputFormat="gpx"><img src="../img/osgeo_graphics/geosilk/link22.png"/></td></tr>' +
+                                    '<tr><td>GeoJson:</td><td><label class="export-format-geojson exportDatasetIcon" style="padding-top:11px;"></label></td><td class="exportDataLink geojson" wmcId="'+wmc_id+'"outputFormat="geojson"><img src="../img/osgeo_graphics/geosilk/link22.png"/></td></tr>' +
+                                    '</tbody></table></div><iframe id="export-DataCollection" style="border:0;height:0; width:0;"></iframe>';
+                                // append the context
+                                $(dataExportDlg).append(exportHtml);
+                                //export the data
+                                $('.exportDatasetIcon').bind('click', function(event) {
+                                    var exportClass = $(this).attr('class').toString().split(' ')[0];
+                                    //getting the outputformat
+                                    switch (exportClass) {
+                                        case 'export-format-kml':
+                                            outputFormat = 'kml';
+                                            break;
+                                        case 'export-format-gpx':
+                                            outputFormat = 'gpx';
+                                            break;
+                                        case 'export-format-geojson':
+                                            outputFormat = 'geojson';
+                                            break;
+                                    }
+                                    $('#export-DataCollection').attr("src", "../php/mod_GetPublishedData.php?wmc_id=" + wmc_id + "&outputFormat=" + outputFormat);
+                                    // $.ajax({
+                                    //     url: '../php/mod_GetPublishedData.php',
+                                    //     type: 'GET',
+                                    //     data: {
+                                    //         wmc_id: wmc_id,
+                                    //         outputFormat: outputFormat
+                                    //     },
+                                    //     success: function(data) {
+                                    //         console.log(data);
+                                    //         console.log('Export completed');
+                                    //      }
+                                    // });
+                                });
+                                $('.exportDataLink').bind('click', function(event) {
+                                    var format = $(this).attr('outputFormat');
+                                    var exportDataLinkDlg = $('<div id="exportDataLinkDlg"></div>').dialog({
+                                        "title": "Link to your Dataset",
+                                        width: 350,
+                                        height: 80,
+                                        close: function() {
+                                            $('#exportDataLinkDlg').dialog('destroy');
+                                            $('#exportDataLinkDlg').remove();
+                                        }
+                                    });
+                                    // var exportDataLinkContent = '<div><input size="35" type="text" value="'+wmc_id+'&outputFormat='+format+'/></div>';
+                                    var exportDataLinkContent = '<div><label for="exportLinkInput">Link: </label><input id="exportLinkInput" size="35" type="text" value="'+wmc_id+'&outputFormat='+format+'"></div>';
+                                    // var exportDataLinkContent = '<div>test</div>';
+                                    $(exportDataLinkDlg).append(exportDataLinkContent);
+                                });
+                            }
+                        .end()
                         .find('tr').bind('click', function() {
+                            console.log('test');
                             var id = $($(this).find('td')[0]).text();
                             var d;
                             $.each(origData, function(_, val) {
@@ -163,9 +264,17 @@
                                                     id: id
                                                 success: function(data) {
-                                                    if (!data.success) {
-                                                        alert('Problem when deleting local data: ' + data.message);
+                                                    if (arguments[1] == 'success') {
+                                                        alert('Deleting local data was succesfull');
+                                                        $('#mySpatialData').dialog('destroy');
+                                                        $('#mySpatialData').remove();
+                                                        $($addButton).trigger('click');
+                                                    } else {
+                                                        alert('Problem when deleting local data');
@@ -276,7 +385,7 @@
                                                 "</select></td>" +
                                                 "<td id='licenseImg'></td>" +
                                                 "<td id='licenseDescription'></td>" +
-                                                "<td id='licenseOpen'></td></tr>" + // TODO: add content for this field
+                                                "<td id='licenseOpen' nowrap></td></tr>" + // TODO: add content for this field
                                                 "<tr id='submitLicense' ><td style='border:none;cursor:pointer; nowrap'><img src='../img/osgeo_graphics/check.png' style='margin-top:10px'/> <span>Publish data</span></td></tr>" +
@@ -326,14 +435,11 @@
                                                     if (data.isopen == 1) {
                                                         $('#licenseOpen').html('<img src="../img/od_80x15_blue.png" />');
-                                                    }else{
+                                                    } else {
                                                         $('#licenseOpen').html('<span>No OpenData</span>');
-                                                    // console.log(data['description']);
@@ -360,15 +466,11 @@
                                                             $('#licenseOpen').html('<img src="../img/od_80x15_blue.png" />');
-                                                        }else{
+                                                        } else {
                                                             $('#licenseOpen').html('<span>No OpenData</span>');
-                                                        // console.log(data['description']);

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