[Mapbender-users] no mb_metadata - sql error after getCapabilites Request - PostGreSQL and PostGIS

Armin Retterath armin.retterath at lvermgeo.rlp.de
Fri Aug 24 05:21:24 PDT 2012

Hello Jugeen,

we had this problem before on the list I think, but I don't know it 
really. You need the mb_metadata table! I would strongly recommend to 
install the mapbender trunk version and to really control if all update 
sql's are made in the install script. The mapbender mb_metadata table 
would be part of the update script:
In line 1781 the mb_metadata table will be created.

is the last update sql. This is not part of the install script and must 
be executed later or written into the install.bat script:
after line 145.

Hope that helps ;-)


On 24.08.2012 10:42, Jugeen Word wrote:
> Hello List,
> I've tried to install Mapbender on my Windows XP 32bit workstation.
> I took the MS4W Package and the MapBender extension für MS4W.
> After that, i installed the PostGreSQL-Database (9.1) and the PostGIS 
> extension (for 9.1)
> When I try to create the database for Mapbender with the 
> install-script in resource/db/ everything seems to be fine - no 
> records in the error log.
> but when i try to load a GetCapatbilities Request from a MapFile, i'll 
> get a sql error.
> After a few researches on the net, i found out, that i do not have a 
> *mb_metadata* in my postgres database.
> i tried a few version of mapbender (2,5, 2.7, 2.7.2) an the newest 
> "update_2.7rc1_to_2.7rc2_
> pgsql_UTF-8.sql", - but no change.
> the mapfile also seems to be valide, it works with quantum gis, 
> mapserver itself and openlayers.
> so i think, the problem is the mb_metadata, can somebody help me?
> best regards;
> Jugeen
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armin.retterath at lvermgeo.rlp.de

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