[Mapbender-users] Understanding MapBender Usage

Thorsten Hack (WhereGroup) thorsten.hack at wheregroup.com
Sun Mar 17 23:22:50 PDT 2024

Hi Mr S,

thank you for your question.

Symfony (the application framework mapbender uses) and therefore 
mapbender itself is in general able to handle multiple identity 
providers. For example, there is an open source extension for mapbender 
that enables using LDAP-based identification 
(https://github.com/mapbender/ldapBundle). In a similar way it would 
also be possible to reuse the authentication mechanism you are already 
using in other parts of your website.

The WhereGroup does not have a set of paid extension modules for sale, 
but develops extensions tailored to each customer's demand, usually 
billed based on the development hours needed. If you want to have the 
custom authentication mechanism developed for you, feel free to reach 
out to info at wheregroup.com.

Best regards,

Thorsten Hack

FOSSGIS Konferenz
20.-23. März 2024 in Hamburg

WhereGroup-Beiträge auf der FOSSGIS

WhereGroup GmbH
Schwimmbadstr. 2
79100 Freiburg

Tel.: +49 (0)761 / 519 102 - 67
Fax: +49 (0)761 / 519 102 - 11

thorsten.hack at wheregroup.com

Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 9885

Am 18.03.24 um 03:37 schrieb Mr S via Mapbender_users:
> Hello there,
> I've been scouring the web looking for an interface for a website I am 
> planning that essentially has a user-authenticated web map that 
> connects to a PostGIS database serving up customized data.
> I've installed MapBender and have begun playing around with it, but 
> after looking at the documentation and watching the Foss4g 2022 talk, 
> I'm thinking that the open source version won't be able to do what I 
> am after.
> On the Functions / Features page of the MapBender website, it does 
> talk about features having been individually developed and being 
> available on demand.  Are those paid-for services from WhereGroup?
> I am assuming that for what I need I'm looking for something like 
> "Secure authorization to spatial data" under Integration.  I want to 
> only allow access to the web-map interface if the user is 
> authenticated to my website.
> If anyone has any insight on this I would appreciate it. It looks to 
> me that MapBender is to sort of run "standalone" in that all of the 
> login and user management is done through the web interface to 
> MapBender and can't really be integrated as a portal for a website?
> Thanks!
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