[mapserver-commits] r11873 - trunk/docs/zh_cn

svn at osgeo.org svn at osgeo.org
Thu Jul 7 04:38:17 EDT 2011

Author: wbprime
Date: 2011-07-07 01:38:17 -0700 (Thu, 07 Jul 2011)
New Revision: 11873

finish Chinese translation for download.txt

Modified: trunk/docs/zh_cn/documentation.txt
--- trunk/docs/zh_cn/documentation.txt	2011-07-06 14:26:22 UTC (rev 11872)
+++ trunk/docs/zh_cn/documentation.txt	2011-07-07 08:38:17 UTC (rev 11873)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 .. note::
-    完整的文档有单独的 `PDF document <./MapServer.pdf>`__ |image| 和 `ePub document <./MapServer.epub>`__
+    完整的文档有单独的 `PDF文档 <./MapServer.pdf>`__ |image| 和 `ePub文档 <./MapServer.epub>`__
     如果您计划升级到MapServer 6.0正式版,请务必阅读 :ref:`MapServer迁移指南 <migration>` 。

Modified: trunk/docs/zh_cn/download.txt
--- trunk/docs/zh_cn/download.txt	2011-07-06 14:26:22 UTC (rev 11872)
+++ trunk/docs/zh_cn/download.txt	2011-07-07 08:38:17 UTC (rev 11873)
@@ -99,21 +99,12 @@
 .. _`FWTools`: http://fwtools.maptools.org/
-    MapServer for Windows from MapTools.org. If you are a beginner looking for
-    a complete MapServer solution on the Windows platform, or an advanced user
-    looking to avoid compiling your own, this is what you're looking for. MS4W
-    is a complete Web Server/MapServer/MapScript package. MS4W includes 
-    several flavors of MapScript (PHP, C#, Python, Java), and additional dlls 
-    for SDE and Oracle support.  Several popular Web applications are also 
-    available for download, which are pre-configured for MS4W.
+	来自MapTools.org的Windows版本的MapServer。如果你是一个一直在寻找Windows平台完整的MapServer解决方案的新手,或者是不想自己编译的高手,那么你可以试试这个。MS4W是一个完整的网络服务器、地图服务器和地图脚本服务器。MS4W提供了对多种地图脚本语言的支持,以及对SDE和Oracle的支持。MS4W中同时也预配置了几个其他广受欢迎的网络应用。
 .. _`MS4W`: http://maptools.org/ms4w/
-    OSGeo4W is a binary distribution of a broad set of Open Source geospatial
-    software for Win32 environments (Windows XP, Vista, etc). OSGeo4W includes
-    GDAL/OGR, GRASS, MapServer, OpenEV, uDig, as well as many other packages
-    (about 70 as of summer 2008).
+    OSGeo4W是开放源代码地理信息软件在Win32环境(Windows XP,Vista等)下的一个二进制分发包。OSGeo4W中包含了GDAL/OGR,GRASS,MapServer,OpenEV,uDig等软件包(到2008年夏总共有70多种软件)。
 .. _`OSGeo4W`: http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/
@@ -123,42 +114,27 @@
-    DebianGIS provides a number of packages including MapServer, PostGIS, 
-    GDAL, QGIS, and GEOS.  It sometimes lags a little bit behind the absolute 
-    latest release, but DebianGIS provides a solid integration environment 
-    for a giant slug of Open Source GIS software.
+    DebianGIS提供了大量的软件,包括MapServer、PostGIS、GDAL、QGIS以及GEOS。虽然可能在时间上DebianGIS会落后于最新的发行版,但其为开放源代码GIS软件与Debian的集成做了很多工作。
 .. _`DebianGIS`: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianGis
-`Enterprise Linux GIS`_
-    The Enterprise Linux GIS (ELGIS) repository provides up to date packages 
-    of MapServer and related OSGeo tools for Enterprise Linux and derivatives,
-    that is Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS and Scientific Linux.
+`企业级Linux GIS`_
+    企业级Linux GIS软件仓库(ELGIS)针对企业级的Linux及其派生版提供了及时更新的MapServer和其它OSGeo软件工具,包括红帽企业版Linux(RHEL)、CentOS和科学Linux。
-.. _`Enterprise Linux GIS`: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Enterprise_Linux_GIS
+.. _`企业级Linux GIS`: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Enterprise_Linux_GIS
-    The FGS Linux Installer is a self-extracting file that will install
-    MapServer with PHP/MapScript and all of their dependencies on your Linux
-    system. It provides a stand-alone environment with all the required
-    software (incl. Apache and PHP) to run PHP/MapScript webmapping
-    applications. The bundled version of Apache can be configured to run on
-    any port so it will not interfere with previous installations of Apache or
-    other web servers on your system.
+    FGS Linux安装包是一个自解压安装包,其会在你的Linux系统中安装带PHP/MapScript支持的MapServer及其相关依赖。FGS会布置一个独立的安装有各种运行MapServer地图服务所必需的系统环境。绑定版本的Apache可以配置为运行在任意端口,这样就不会与你系统上以前安装的Apache或其它服务。
 .. _`FGS`: http://maptools.org/fgs/
-    The OpenSUSE Application:Geo repository provides stable Packages for 
-    MapServer and other OSGeo tools. Development versions are also made
-    available for testing in other OBS before being migrated to the stable
-    repository.
+    OpenSUSE的软件仓库:Geo提供了MapServer和其它OSGeo工具的稳定安装包。开发中的版本包含在其他的OBS中,经过测试之后会被迁移到稳定的软件仓库。
 .. _`OpenSUSE`: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OpenSUSE_Geo_Repositories
-    UbuntuGIS provides up to date packages of MapServer and related OSGeo tools
-    for the last three releases of Ubuntu.
+    UbuntuGIS为Ubuntu的最近三个发行版都提供了及时更新的MapServer和其它OSGeo工具。
 .. _`UbuntuGIS`: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGIS
@@ -169,20 +145,14 @@
 `Kyng Chaos`_
-    William Kyngesburye provides excellent, up-to-date packages for Mac OS X.
-    Most of the Open Source GIS stack is provided, including GEOS, GDAL, QGIS, 
-    and PostGIS.
+    William Kyngesburye针对Mac OS X提供了极棒的安装包。其中提供了大部分的开源GIS软件,包括GEOS、GDAL、QGIS和PostGIS。
 .. _`Kyng Chaos`: http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/mapserver
-下载 `MapServer 5.4.x Demo`_
-    Download and unzip this file into your computer.  Follow the directions in 
-    ReadMe.txt. You will most likely need to move the demo directory tree to an 
-    appropriate location in your httpd server.  You will also need to edit some
-    of the mapfile and template file parameters to reflect the changes in your
-    paths (directory locations).
+下载 `MapServer 5.4.x演示程序`_
+    下载并解压该文件,然后按照ReadMe.txt中的说明操作。你可能需要移动演示程序目录到httpd服务器的合适位置。同样,你可能需要编辑一些mapfile文件和模板参数以反映你的服务器(文件夹位置)路径的变动。
-.. _`MapServer 5.4.x Demo`: http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/mapserver_demos/workshop-5.4.zip
+.. _`MapServer 5.4.x演示程序`: http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/mapserver_demos/workshop-5.4.zip

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