[mapserver-commits] r11945 - sandbox/inspire_soc2011/mapserver

svn at osgeo.org svn at osgeo.org
Fri Jul 15 17:29:29 EDT 2011

Author: stefanl
Date: 2011-07-15 14:29:29 -0700 (Fri, 15 Jul 2011)
New Revision: 11945

first draft of rfc ready

Modified: sandbox/inspire_soc2011/mapserver/rfc73.rst
--- sandbox/inspire_soc2011/mapserver/rfc73.rst	2011-07-15 16:23:49 UTC (rev 11944)
+++ sandbox/inspire_soc2011/mapserver/rfc73.rst	2011-07-15 21:29:29 UTC (rev 11945)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 :Date:  2011/07/01
 :Author: gsoc2011
-:Last Edited:  2011/07/13
+:Last Edited:  2011/07/15
 :Version: MapServer 6.2
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 - Activation of INSPIRE support (two scenarios)
 - Multi-language support for certain capabilities fields
 - Provision of INSPIRE specific metadata
+- Style section for root layer and possibly existing group layers
 This RFC aggregates and extends the already provided ideas/solutions regarding INSPIRE view service support.  
@@ -57,7 +58,10 @@
 INSPIRE requires multi-language support and requests a list of all supported languages as well as the default language in the capabilities document. Based on the language parameter in the GetCapabilites request, certain specific metadata values, namely
   - "wms_title"
   - "wms_abstract"
+  - "wms_rootlayer_title"
   - "wms_rootlayer_abstract"
+  - "wms_group_title"
+  - "wms_group_abstract"
 as well as language dependent reference data like
   - DATA "shapes/rivers.shp"
 need to be provided in the requested language. If the language is not supported (or no language parameter is present), the default language has to be used.
@@ -82,8 +86,8 @@
-    "wms_title_eng" "Transport networks: Road Link"
-    "wms_title_ger" "Verkehrsnetze: Strassensegment"
+    "wms_title_eng" "myservicetitle"
+    "wms_title_ger" "myservicetitleger"
     "wms_abstract" "mylayerabstract"                          #to test fallback
     "wms_abstract_ger" "mylayerabstractger"
@@ -114,16 +118,13 @@
     "wms_metadataurl_href" "http://INSPIRE.service/metadata"
     "wms_metadataurl_format" "application/vnd.ogc.csw.capabilities.response_xml"
     "wms_inspire_keyword" "infoMapAccessService"              #value according "classification of spatial data services"
-    "wms_title" "Transport networks: Road Area"
+    "wms_title" "myservicetitle"
     "wms_abstract" "myabstract"
     "wms_fees" "conditions unknown"                           #value either "no conditions apply"|default "conditions unknown"|<specific conditions>
     "wms_accessconstraints" "None"                            #value according ISO 19115 (MD_RestrictionCode codelist) or default "None"
     "wms_contactorganization" "MapServer"                     #responsible organisation
     "wms_contactposition" "owner"                             #responsible organisation, value according "INSPIRE Metadata Regulation" (part D6)
-    "wms_inspire_style_name" "inspire_common:DEFAULT"         #style name
-    "wms_inspire_style_title" "mystyletitle"                  #style title
-    ...
@@ -141,46 +142,42 @@
     "wms_inspire_mpoc_email" "mympocemail"                    #point of contact
     "wms_inspire_metadatadate" "2011-09-19"                   #value according YYYY-MM-DD
     "wms_inspire_keyword" "infoMapAccessService"              #value according "classification of spatial data services"
-    "wms_title" "Transport networks: Road Area"
+    "wms_title" "myservicetitle"
     "wms_abstract" "myabstract"
     "wms_fees" "conditions unknown"                           #value either "no conditions apply"|default "conditions unknown"|<specific conditions>
     "wms_accessconstraints" "None"                            #value according ISO 19115 (MD_RestrictionCode codelist) or default "None"
     "wms_contactorganization" "MapServer"                     #responsible organisation
     "wms_contactposition" "owner"                             #responsible organisation, value according "INSPIRE Metadata Regulation" (part D6)
-    "wms_inspire_style_name" "inspire_common:DEFAULT"         #style name
-    "wms_inspire_style_title" "mystyletitle"                  #style title    
-    ...
-  a) several fields require certain values, these values are not validated by MapServer itself, instead a manual validation against the `INSPIRE schemas`_ or the `WMS INSPIRE tester`_ is recommended
-  b) only one keyword through "wms_inspire_keyword" is supported, a possibly provided "wms_keywordlist" will be ignored 
-  c) as suggested in this document_ regarding scenario 2, <inspire_common:ResourceType> is always set to service and <inspire_common:SpatialDataServiceType> is always set to view, both values can't be altered through the mapfile
-  d) for the root layer, the style name is set through "wms_inspire_style_name" (inspire_common:DEFAULT), the style title through "wms_inspire_style_title"
-  e) as discussed here_, the usage of group/classgroup in the mapfile is necessary to set the layer style name to the according value (inspire_common:DEFAULT).
-  f) as suggested in Ticket 3850_, the layer style titles can be overwritten through wms_style_<stylename>_title, the layer style legendURLs through wms_style_<stylename>_legendurl_* (width, height, format and href need to be provided)  
+- several fields require certain values, these values are not validated by MapServer itself, instead a manual validation against the `INSPIRE schemas`_ or the `WMS INSPIRE tester`_ is recommended
+- only one keyword through "wms_inspire_keyword" is supported, a possibly provided "wms_keywordlist" will be ignored 
+- as suggested in this document_ regarding scenario 2, <inspire_common:ResourceType> is always set to service and <inspire_common:SpatialDataServiceType> is always set to view, both values can't be altered through the mapfile
+5. Style section for root layer and possibly existing group layers
+For regular layers, the `concept of GROUP and CLASSGROUP`_ can be used to to set the layer style name to the according value. Additionally - as suggested in Ticket 3850_ - the layer style titles can be overwritten through wms_style_<stylename>_title and the layer style legendURLs through wms_style_<stylename>_legendurl_* (width, height, format and href need to be provided).  
           NAME TN.RoadTransportNetwork.RoadLink
           DATA road
-          TEMPLATE "ttt"
            "wms_title_eng" "Transport networks: Road Link"
            "wms_title_ger" "Verkehrsnetze: Strassensegment"
-           "wms_abstract" "mylayerabstract"                          #to test fallback
-           "wms_abstract_ger" "mylayerabstractger"
-           "wms_keywordlist" "mylayerkeyword1,mylayerkeyword2"
-           "wms_style_inspire_common:DEFAULT_title" "mylayerstyletitle"                      #override style title
-           "wms_style_inspire_common:DEFAULT_legendurl_width" "mylayerstylelegendurlwidth"   #override style legendurl (mandatory: width, height, format, href)
-           "wms_style_inspire_common:DEFAULT_legendurl_height" "mylayerstylelegendurlheight"
-           "wms_style_inspire_common:DEFAULT_legendurl_format" "mylayerstylelegendurlformat"
-           "wms_style_inspire_common:DEFAULT_legendurl_href" "mylayerstylelegendurlhref"
+           ...
+           "wms_style_inspire_common:DEFAULT_title" "mylayerstyletitle"         #style title
+           "wms_style_inspire_common:DEFAULT_legendurl_width" "85"              #override style legendurl (mandatory: width, height, format, href)
+           "wms_style_inspire_common:DEFAULT_legendurl_height" "40"
+           "wms_style_inspire_common:DEFAULT_legendurl_format" "image/png"
+           "wms_style_inspire_common:DEFAULT_legendurl_href" "http://path/to/onlineresource...roadlink"
@@ -202,8 +199,69 @@
+The following method is suggested to support (customizable) style sections in the root layer
-5. Implementation details
+- use wms_style_name in the WEB.METADATA section to add a style section to the root layer
+- use wms_style_title to override the style title (optional)
+- use wms_style_legendurl_* to override width, heigth, format and href of the legendURL (optional)
+and possibly existing group layers
+- use wms_group_style_name in the first corresponding LAYER.METADATA section to add a style section to the group layer
+- use wms_group_style_title to override the style title (optional)
+- use wms_group_style_legendurl_* to override width, heigth, format and href of the legendURL (optional)
+  ...
+         WEB
+          METADATA
+           ...
+           "wms_style_name" "inspire_common:DEFAULT"                            #style name
+           "wms_style_title" "myroadarealayerstyletitle"                        #style title 
+           "wms_style_legendurl_width" "85"                                     #override style legendurl (mandatory: width, height, format, href)
+           "wms_style_legendurl_height" "40"
+           "wms_style_legendurl_format" "image/png"
+           "wms_style_legendurl_href" "http://path/to/onlineresource...roadarea"
+          END
+         END 
+         LAYER
+          NAME TN.RailTransportNetwork.RailwayLink
+          GROUP TN.CommonTransportElements.TransportLink
+           DATA road
+           METADATA
+            "wms_group_title_eng" "Transport networks: Generic Transport Link"
+            "wms_group_title_ger" "Verkehrsnetze: Generisches Verkehrssegment"
+            "wms_group_abstract" "mygenerictransportlinklayerabstract"          #to test fallback
+            "wms_group_abstract_ger" "mygenerictransportlinklayerabstract"
+            "wms_group_style_name" "inspire_common:DEFAULT"                     #style name
+            "wms_group_style_title" "mygenerictransportlinklayerstyletitle"     #style title
+            "wms_group_style_legendurl_width" "85"                              #override style legendurl (mandatory: width, height, format, href)
+            "wms_group_style_legendurl_height" "40"
+            "wms_group_style_legendurl_format" "image/png"
+            "wms_group_style_legendurl_href" "http://path/to/onlineresource...generictransportlink"
+            "wms_title_eng" "Transport networks: Railway Link"
+            "wms_title_ger" "Verkehrsnetze: Eisenbahnverbindung"
+            "wms_abstract" "myrailwaylinklayerabstract"                         #to test fallback
+            "wms_abstract_ger" "myrailwaylinklayerabstractger"
+            ...
+           END
+          ...
+         END
+Provided that ability, 3 levels of hierarchy can be achieved as done in the example mapfiles.
+  TN.RoadTransportNetwork.RoadArea
+  +--- TN.RoadTransportNetwork.RoadLink
+  +--- TN.CommonTransportElements.TransportLink
+       +--- TN.RailTransportNetwork.RailwayLink
+       +--- TN.AirTransportNetwork.AirLink
+6. Implementation details
 In order to implement this enhancement, the following changes need to be implemented in the MapServer codebase:
@@ -216,7 +274,7 @@
 6) override style titles and legendURLs if specified in mapfile (e.g. "wms_style_<stylename>_title")
 7) add warnings for missing but mandatory INSPIRE specific metadata
-5.1 Files affected
+6.1 Files affected
 The following files will be modified by this RFC:
@@ -227,17 +285,17 @@
-5.2 MapScript issues
+6.2 MapScript issues
 This change provides new functionality with no MapScript issues being considered.
-5.3 Backwards compatibility issues
+6.3 Backwards compatibility issues
 This change provides new functionality with no backwards compatibility issues being considered.
-6. Solution
+7. Solution
 The code for this RFC can be found in the inspire_soc2011_ sandbox.
@@ -249,7 +307,7 @@
 Related (but currently not addressed) tickets:
   - Ticket 1632_: support for named group layers using wms_layer_group
-7. Tests
+8. Tests
 2 example mapfiles were created for testing purposes:
@@ -258,7 +316,7 @@
 The GetCapabilites responses with these mapfiles validate against the `INSPIRE schemas`_ as well as the `WMS INSPIRE tester`_ without warnings/errors.
-8. Voting history
+9. Voting history
@@ -269,7 +327,7 @@
 .. _runtime-substitution: http://mapserver.org/cgi/runsub.html
 .. _inspire_soc2011: https://svn.osgeo.org/mapserver/sandbox/inspire_soc2011
 .. _document: http://www.neogeo-online.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/MAPSERVER_INSPIRE.pdf
-.. _here: http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-INSPIRE/2011-April/000027.html
+.. _`concept of GROUP and CLASSGROUP`: http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/mapserver-inspire/2011-April/000027.html
 .. _3608: http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3608
 .. _3850: http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/3850
 .. _1632: http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/1632

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