Label issues

Paul G. Allen pgallen at
Fri Nov 5 22:34:40 EST 1999

I've noticed no response to my label problem. Did my question somehow get
dropped into the bit bucket?

The question was: I have a set of points that were created using my utilities
(data extracted from a table, formatted, and placed into a shapefile). When I
try to label these points, it seems if I have too many displayed on the map, I
get an Internal Server Error. Here's the entry in the Apache error_log file:

[Wed Nov  3 06:20:32 1999] [error] [client] Premature end of script
headers: /home/httpd/cgi-bin/mapserv

What's up with this? This is a pretty big issue for me, maybe it's something I
did wrong, maybe not, but I'm stuck.


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