Label issues

imap at imap at
Sat Nov 6 01:08:10 EST 1999


I am just curious to know which version of mapserv you are

That internal server error and the entry in the log file dont
tell you shit about *where* mapserv is choking.   I think Brent
or someone on the list was able to debug mapserv thru the front-end,
but I have never had any luck doing that.   What I do is, fix up the
mapfile to match the URL equivilent...  make the layers you want 
"DEFAULT" and use "shp2gif" to recreate the problem from the command 
line...   When the program dumps core, you can then use "gdb" 
(GNU debugger) to isolate where the actual problem is occurring.  

I have label point shapefiles that have tens of thousands
of points have never seen mapserv dump core on a label cache problem.
I *suspect* there is bad data in the file you are creating, that gives
mapserv problems??   Maybe try rebuilding the point file with fewer
(or a subset of) points to see if you still have that trouble.

When things get *real* serious... I try to boil down the problem to a 
specific layer/shapefile and I strip everything else out of the mapfile 
to make sure the problem is completely isolated.... then I usually just
send the shapefile and mapfile to Steve to deal with.  haha ;)  
At least we need to be able to easily reproduce the problem.

Hey Steve man... I still want to be able to run mapserv from the command
line too!  That should be doable, right?

Paul, I saw your subsequent email about getting duplicate messages...  I am
having that problem.  Are you on the majordomo list twice maybe??   I think if
this were happening to everyone... we would *all* be raising hell about it.

Off topic...

Paul, Are you still working with the Tiger data?  I am in the process of
the Tiger '98 shapefiles now...  I got the new TGR2SHP 3.11 upgrade from Bruce
Ralston at GISTOOLS last night.  Anyone else using that?  It is pretty 
good stuff.  For converting Tiger data, it is much easier to use than the ESRI
automation toolkit...  (I would not recommend that to anyone)


Chris Stuber (mapsurfer)
Silicon Mapping Solutions, Inc.

"Paul G. Allen" wrote:
> I've noticed no response to my label problem. Did my question somehow get
> dropped into the bit bucket?
> The question was: I have a set of points that were created using my utilities
> (data extracted from a table, formatted, and placed into a shapefile). When I
> try to label these points, it seems if I have too many displayed on the map, I
> get an Internal Server Error. Here's the entry in the Apache error_log file:
> [Wed Nov  3 06:20:32 1999] [error] [client] Premature end of script
> headers: /home/httpd/cgi-bin/mapserv
> What's up with this? This is a pretty big issue for me, maybe it's something I
> did wrong, maybe not, but I'm stuck.

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