newbie installation

Brian Johnson bjohnson at
Fri Oct 20 09:44:19 EDT 2000

I had the same problem after using the default ./configure.

My solution to date (after your previous email to me):
Edit demo_init.html so the path is absolute, in my case

After making the above adjustments I saw:
msLoadMap(): Premature End-of-File. Undefined symbol.

So at your suggestion, I commented out the MARKERSET line (put a '#' at the
of the line) and any LAYER block that held a SYMBOL reference TO A FILE (eg
SYMBOL 'us_highway_shield') which is actually a GIF file under the
ms_demo/symbols/images directory
(comment out every line between LAYER and END # LAYER).

Then it worked (without GIF symbols though)

I didn't get any of the GD errors that you mentioned and I didn't download
or install any special GD files.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-mapserver-users at
[mailto:owner-mapserver-users at]On Behalf Of Matt.Wilkie
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 4:09 PM
To: mapserver-users at
Subject: SUM: newbie installation

I encountered problems installing and running the ms_demo. My
original scream for help can be found at the bottom. After
a bunch of bumbling around in the dark some light was shed on
the subject by Danial Morrissete and Frank Koormann. Many thanks.
Full text of the whole exchange is available on request.

-=<The Fix>=-

Problem#1: Pointing a browser at http://host/ms_demo/demo_init.html
and  slapping the 'initialize' button yields:
	msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (ms_demo/

Edit demo_init.html so the path is absolute, i.e.

After making the above adjustments you may see:
	loadSymbol(): GD library error.

Comment out the MARKERSET line (put a '#' at the beginning
of the line) and any LAYER block which holds a SYMBOL reference
(comment out every line between LAYER and END # LAYER).

After carrying out the previous modifications I was faced with:
	msDrawLegend(): Memory allocation error.
	Error allocating heights array.

And the response is to disable the LEGEND section, which leads to
Problem #4:
	msDrawReferenceMap(): GD library error.
	Unable to initialize image.

which is bypassed by disabling the REFERENCE section. And
now I finally have a working Demo interface, sans a couple
pieces. But at least the map Zoom, Pan and Query works.
Attached is the .map file which finally produces results.

-=< Possible Cause >=-

A version of GD is being used which doesn't support GIF
and all the "GD library error" you get would be because
mapserver tries to load some GIF file that came with the demo
and fails:

-  loadSymbol(): GD library error.
     -> Would be that your symbol file contained a ref. to a GIF image

-  msDrawReferenceMap(): GD library error.
     -> Would be because the base reference map with the demo is also
        a GIF image

I did initally try a higher version (1.8) of GD but I couldn't
get it to compile on my system. Therefore I just used the GD
which is distributed with mapserver, which is supposed to v1.2.
and the directory name says gd1.2. Maybe there is some mixup in
the code though.

-=< The Original Plea >=-


I've installed Mapserver 3.3.011 (I think successfully) on a
DEC Alpha running Tru64 v5. I'm having trouble with getting
ms_demo to work and can't find any docs for setting it up.
Thanks in advance for your assistance; Please bear with me -
I'm not a developer though I consider myself a power user for
most things computing.

Mapserver configure string:
	CC=gcc ./configure --with-proj
configure found proj,ttf and gd ok but couldn't find libjpeg
even though that is installed (/usr/local/lib/libjpeg.a)

No errors on make though there were warnings (the log is

Pointing at http://host/cgi-bin/mapserv yields:
	No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set,
	but empty.
as the Installation guide (
said it should.

I untarred ms_demo.tar.gz to /var/www/htdocs/ms_demo,
The only change I made to ms_demo/
	IMAGEPATH "/var/www/htdocs/tmp/"
(htdocs/tmp exists)
	LOG "/var/www/logs/ms_demo.log"
(which doesn't seem to log anything)

Pointing a browser at http://host/ms_demo/demo_init.html
and slapping the 'initialize' button yields:
	msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/ms_demo/
Apache doesn't log this error though I do get a bunch of
"File does not exist" if I load demo.html:
	[Wed Oct 18 14:55:21 2000] [error] [client] \
	File does not exist:/var/www/htdocs/ms_demo/[ref]

Mailing list archive messages seem to indicate the 'unable to
access file' message is a problem with paths or permissions.
Unfortunately there was no elaboration on just what constitutes
the correct permissions. The path is correct and the permissions
are the same as other pages on my site which are accessible:

	drwxr-xr-x   2 apache  nobody  8192 Oct 18 12:21 data
	-rwxr-xr-x   1 apache  nobody  2353 Oct 18 12:21 demo.html
	-rwxr-xr-x   1 apache  nobody  4299 Oct 18 15:00

The tmp directory is group & user writable:
	drwxrwxr-x   2 apache   nobody      8192 Oct 18 12:27 tmp

So, can anybody tell me (or provide docs which will) what
I'm doing wrong?

thanks in advance and will sum,

Matt Wilkie * GIS Technician * Yukon Renewable Resources GIS

-- System Specs --
Digital UNIX V5.0 (Rev. 910); Fri May 12 13:28:30 PDT 2000
Digital UNIX V5.0 Worksystem Software (Rev. 910)
System Type: AlphaServer 4000 5/300 2MB DEC4100
Number of CPUs: 1 Type: EV5 (21164) Speed: 299 Mhz
Cache: 2.0 MB Memory size: 128 MB

Web: Apache 1.3.12
Scripting: PHP 3.0.16, perl 5.6.0
Mapserver 3.3.011

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