Setting up

imap at imap at
Fri Oct 27 02:33:27 EDT 2000


Boy I fought with RedHat 7 for a day or 2 trying to get things
working with 3 different version of GD on that machine...  It is
difficult to make it find the correct one.  I can tell you are
going thru the same malfunction with your install.

On RedHat 7, you will more than likely find a GD1.8.3 shared library
in /usr/local/lib and the header files in /usr/local/include, which I
can tell from the error message you are getting...  is being linked
into your build.    

It would help to know which version of mapserver you are running..
In your Makefile, look for the line CFLAGS=   make sure that $(GD_INC)
comes *before* any other $(*_INC) and when that puppy compiles, make
sure the includes and lib specification for gd-1.2 come before anything
that resembles /usr/local/    The same is true for custom version of
freetype.  I think the latest version in the CVS addresses this problem.
Someone on the list sent me a great big clue.... and that was to
use -v when compiling to see what the compiler is doing.

I personally dont leave *anything* to default while configuring mapserver...
other folks may have luck doing that, but I will assure you that is purely
by accident.   Furthermore, I dont allow my builds to link to shared libs.
I dont like to type so typically, I will edit a little shell script that 
looks something like:

cd mapserver
./configure --without-eppl --without-sde --without-tiff --without-jpeg
sr/local --with-ttf=/usr/local --with-gd=../gd-1.2
make clean ; make
cd mapscript/perl
perl Makefile.PL
make install

This compiles mapserv + builds and installs mapscript.
The big trick to compiling mapserver is to KNOW what the hell is being build
where your libraries are, and where they are shared or static.   Note that (on
if you build a package with shared and static libraries, it will pick up the
libraries first (the .so libraries) and then to static libs (.a)

I have got some draft documentation on compiling the supporting packages that
can contribute if someone can tell me where to upload... Can we do a CVS thing
for docs?    There are a bunch of small issues that are rarely discussed 
(ie. swig, freetype, proj that may or may not apply)    untarring, configure 
and make I have covered in my docs.  I am going to take a shot a docbook as 
time permits... right now it is just HTML.  

As for .ttf fonts, you snag them from your WIndows machine (if you do
A few .ttfs reside in the ms_demo fonts directory...   You will need at a
the 'fonts' and 'symbols' directory to make you application work.  It appears
is where the bulk of your problems are.   You should take another hard look
at Perry's ms_demo application so you dont miss the trivial.  That URL is     (Perry, please hyperlink
this to the ms_demo section of the main docs)


Chris Stuber (mapsurfer)
Silicon Mapping Solutions Inc

Lyndon Zimmermann wrote:
> Greetings all,
> Well I'm making progress on getting MapServer and some examples going.
> My UNIX skills are limited (I'm doing this under RedHat 7.0) and finally
> discovered  the trick in running the configure and install, ie gunzip
> and untar, configure and make as user, then "make install" as root.
> None of the doco seems to mention these little tricks.
> I still can't get the MapServer Demo to work however.  I just get
> "loadSymbol(): GD library error" on initialise.  I'm still using gd1.2
> and the reference.gif is still a gif.
> I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to, but I copied the examples 1 to 4
> across to my server and managed to get examples 1 and 2 working
> (hooray!).  Examples 3 and 4 are a little more troublesome.  After
> working out how to start them, I got "loadlabel(): Unknown identifier.
> Keyword FONT is not valid without TrueType font support" for both. I
> thought I'd installed Freetype-1.3.1 (though I can't find any .ttf files
> anywhere) When I rem'd out FONT in their respective .map files I got
> "getSymbol(): Incorrect symbol. (12):(19) ".
> I'm documenting the process and file structure and will make them
> available when I have an operating system (or sooner if requested).
> Any advice on my current difficulties would be appreciated.
> Lyndon Zimmermann
> Adelaide, Australia

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