[mapserver-users] Loading layers with mapscript on an empty map object in PHP

Rob Martinson cathode at nichebox.com
Sun Jul 1 18:24:17 EDT 2001

I'm attempting to load layers from a database on an empty map object.
This way I can control all of the maps from a database without writing
out a new .map file for each change. Currently I'm trying:

$map = ms_newMapObj('');

$layer = ms_newLayerObj($map);

$img = $map->draw();   <--at this point I get an error stating "Object
has an invalid _handle_ property"

The same small script and data work if I load the layers through a .map
file using the same paths with:


$map = ms_newMapObj("demo2.map");
$img = $map->draw();

I'm sure someone else has done something similar. Any pointers?

Rob Martinson
Nichebox - http://www.nichebox.com
Development - http://dev.nichebox.com 

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