[mapserver-users] Mapserver v/s Mapscript?

Vinko Vrsalovic B. v at w.cl
Wed Jul 18 19:17:56 EDT 2001


Is it possible for a script written in mapscript to interact
with the mapserver cgi?

If it is, in what way? and how?

I'm kinda confused about this point, and I don't know if i need to 
write the scripts and forget about the mapserv CGI or make them 

My application needs to add layers to an already displayed map based
on a two points query.

That is, the user clicks over one point, then over a second point and
then i should, based on what points the user clicked on, display
another layer on top of the map.

>From what i've seen this isn't possible using only the template file,
mainly because the cgi 'sumbits' itself at the first click over the map
zone, am I wrong?

Help please! :)

(thanks in advance)
V. <v at w.cl>

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