[mapserver-users] Map Server toy

Rob Martinson cathode at nichebox.com
Thu Jul 19 17:52:55 EDT 2001

Okay, so I've been nagging everyone on the list about issues with
MapScript/PHP for the last week or two so thought I'd show what I'm
playing with.


Everything is done with Mapscript. I am still using a blank map file
because I don't have full access to the scalebar object from
PHP/Mapscript with my current version. But, one blank .map file for any
map. Maps, layers, classes, etc. are all stored in a mySQL database and
queried based on the requested map. I'm also playing with an
administrative area for the tables which allows you to create new maps
and edit existing maps from a browser.

The latest toy is the pushpin tool, pretty fun :) 

A few Javascript issues with NS 4.x browsers which I'll have fixed up
shortly. Some of my events aren't firing. But NS6 and all MSIEs appear
to work well.

Comments AND criticizm welcome!

Rob Martinson
Nichebox - http://www.nichebox.com
Development - http://dev.nichebox.com 

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