[mapserver-users] ScaleHint

Craig Bruce csbruce at cubewerx.com
Fri Jul 20 08:48:59 EDT 2001

Rob Atkinson <rob at socialchange.net.au> wrote:

> The WMS spec allows vendor specific parameters to be used, and it also
> allows fixed parameters to be included inthe URL root
> eg this is a valid service URI:
> http://mymaps.com/mapserver?map=topo

Technically, all map-server base URLs are supposed to include the
appropriate trailing character to make them suitable to use as opaque
prefix strings.  So, the above should actually be:


Dr. Craig S. Bruce        | Tel: 819-771-8303 x205 |             CubeWerx Inc.
Senior Software Developer |   Home: 613-565-1344   |      Hull, Québec, Canada
csbruce at cubewerx.com      | http://www.csbruce.com |  http://www.cubewerx.com/
      "Dasunt's Law: Everything inside a computer will evolve to a state
                      where it requires active cooling."

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