[mapserver-users] Small fix for labels in php_mapscript.c

Rob Martinson cathode at nichebox.com
Sat Jul 21 17:24:55 EDT 2001

I noticed a little problem when setting a few properties of the label
object. Specifically, the following object properties were not available
and returned an error "Property does not exist in this object":


Just a little missed typing in php_mapscript.c. Although the properties
exist within the label object on creation, they were not being changed
in php3_ms_label_setProperty.

Between lines 4508 and 4509 of the latest CVS version of php_mapscript.c
I inserted:

    else IF_SET_LONG(  "backgroundcolor",         self->backgroundcolor)
    else IF_SET_LONG(  "backgroundshadowcolor",
    else IF_SET_LONG(  "backgroundshadowsizex",
    else IF_SET_LONG(  "backgroundshadowsizey",

After recompiling I have no errors and I can now place bounding boxes
around my labels. Whoop!

Hope this helps...

Rob Martinson
Nichebox - http://www.nichebox.com
Development - http://dev.nichebox.com 

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