[mapserver-users] turning off classes

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Jul 26 00:17:38 EDT 2001


 - No, not with the CGI version. In mapscript you could manage the classes yourself and create a custom layer on-the-fly with only the requested classes. You could also muck with with class colors or expressions to render them useless. I can easily add a status option to an individual class and can alter the rendering and query code to honor it. I can't quickly add a programatic may to toggle class status from the CGI program. Please add this to Bugzilla as a feature request.

- There is a performance hit, how much depends on the data and how many layers you need to break out. For moderately sized datasets and a few additional layers you probably won't notice. On large datasets, if this much control is needed then I would argue that the shapefile itself should be split into different layers.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155
>>> Puneet Kishor <pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com> 07/24/01 13:18 PM >>>
I have one layer with many classes shaded thematically...

two questions --

1. is it possible to programmatically turn on/off individual classes
2. if #1 above is not possible, and I have to separate the classes into
separate layers, is there any performance impact positively or negatively?

Many tia,


Puneet Kishor 
pkishor at geoanalytics.com

GeoAnalyics, Inc.
1716 Fordem Ave
Madison WI 53704

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