[mapserver-users] line breaks in map file strings

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Fri Jul 27 14:54:05 EDT 2001

Nope. Code get's real messy if that's the case. I have experimented with it but
was never able to get cood results. That's mainly due to the way the freetype
interface to gd works. For the best legends I've always found that using 
pre-generated images from photoshop works best. They can be displayed
dynamically given the appearance of the current legends.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> "Chad Nielsen" <cnielsen at co.tillamook.or.us> 07/27/01 01:43PM >>>
Is there a way to add a line break to a layer name or a class name in a map
Some of my names are kinda long and its making my legend really wide.


Chad M. Nielsen, GIS Programmer/Analyst
Tillamook County Performance Partnership (TCPP)
Tillamook Coastal Watershed Resource Center (TCWRC)

  GIS:   http://gisweb.co.tillamook.or.us 
 TCPP:   http://www.co.tillamook.or.us/countygovernment/Estuary/homepage.htm 
TCWRC:   http://www.tcwrc.org 

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