[Mapserver-users] PHP/mapscript, PostGIS, and setFilter

Paul Smith paul at cnt.org
Thu Dec 5 19:11:47 EST 2002

Hello all,

I'm running PHP/mapscript and using PostGIS to store my geography. 
Trouble is, with the setFilter method under a layer, I can use an 
expression that checks for an integer, but not a string value. For 

$streets->setFilter("gid = 76");

works, but

$streets->setFilter("street = 'S Western'");

gives me an HTTP 500 error. I've also tried using different 
combinations of single- and double-quotes, like:

$streets->setFilter('street = "S Western"');

Nuthin'. Same expression works fine directly under psql. What's up?


Paul Smith <paul at cnt.org>
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Chicago, IL USA

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