[Mapserver-users] [PHP/MS 3.7-dev]: setRGB() conflicts with createLegendIcon() ?

Vinko Vrsalovic vinko at cprsig.cl
Fri Feb 21 03:29:44 EST 2003

Hi, I was just testing the latest CVS for 3.7 with PHP/Mapscript, PHP
4.2.3, Apache 1.3.X, and found the following weirdness.

When using setRGB, and then createLegendIcon(), the color drawn is not the
one I set, but another (apparently random) one. But, if I use
map->save() and create a mapObj from the saved one, and draw an image using
the saved mapfile, it shows the correct color. 

As a side note, when i save the legend icons created (savewebimage()), 
the color of them is ok, but the colors of the features themselves is
just as wrong. 
Nevertheless, the weird behaviour occurs whether i save the legend icons or not.

Below are the two snippets of code showing the error (it's PostGIS based,
because I don't have shapefiles handy, and the error doesn't seem to be PostGIS

If this is not reproducible with this data, please let me know
to prepare another example (for instance, shapefile based or without
the defines).

This code works fine in 3.6.4. The MAP_FILE define points to an empty map


The code that generates the error:

-------------------------------------------------EXAMPLE 1----------------
include ("setup.inc");

$map = ms_newMapObj(MAP_FILE,INSTALL_DIR);


$lyr_chi = ms_newLayerObj($map);

$lyr_chi->set("data","the_geom from chilegeo");

$cla_chi = ms_newClassObj($lyr_chi);
$sty_chi = ms_newStyleObj($cla_chi);

/** If you take out the createLegendIcon(), the color drawn is the set in setRGB(), else it is 
a 'random' color **/

$mg = $cla_chi->createLegendIcon(20,10);

/** Everthing else I've tested works fine **/

$rspu = $pgsql->Execute("SELECT xmin(extent(the_geom)) as minx,xmax(extent(the_geom)) as maxx,".
	"ymin(extent(the_geom)) as miny,ymax(extent(the_geom)) as maxy from chilegeo");

$xmin = $rspu->fields['minx'];
$ymin = $rspu->fields['miny'];
$xmax = $rspu->fields['maxx'];
$ymax = $rspu->fields['maxy'];


$img = $map->draw();
$url_img = $img->SaveWebImage();
echo "<img src=".$url_img.">";
------------------------------------END EXAMPLE------------------------------

The code, using '/tmp/seia37.map' (which works fine) is:

-------------------------------------------------EXAMPLE 2----------------
include ("setup.inc");
$map = ms_newMapObj("/tmp/seia37.map");
$img = $map->draw();
$url = $img->SaveWebImage();
echo "<img src=".$url.">";
------------------------------------END EXAMPLE-------------------------------

Vinko Vrsalovic <el[|- at -|]vinko.cl>

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