[Mapserver-users] junk pointer revisited

Robert A Carr racarr at fs.fed.us
Fri Apr 23 14:59:38 EDT 2004


Did you compile PHP 4.3.6 from source?  If so, did the configure string
specify '--without-tiff'?  A few months ago I performed a similar upgrade
on FreeBSD 4.9, and until I recompiled PHP without tiff support, I received
the junk pointer error.

Bob Carr
USDA Forest Service - Eastern Region
racarr at fs.fed.us

|         |           "Toomas Aas"                |
|         |           <toomas.aas at raad.tartu.ee>  |
|         |           Sent by:                    |
|         |           mapserver-users-admin at lists.|
|         |           gis.umn.edu                 |
|         |                                       |
|         |                                       |
|         |           04/22/2004 12:43 PM         |
|         |                                       |
  |                                                                                                            |
  |        To:      mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu                                                          |
  |        cc:                                                                                                 |
  |        Subject: [Mapserver-users] junk pointer revisited                                                   |


I'm running Mapserver and PHP/Mapscript on FreeBSD 4.9. A couple of
days ago I upgraded PHP from 4.3.4 to 4.3.6 and then I also re-compiled
Mapserver using the newer PHP source tree. After that I'm seeing again
mapserv dying with Signal 10 in /var/log/messages:

Apr 22 15:21:45 mail /kernel: pid 52647 (mapserv), uid 80: exited on signal

and this message in Apache's error_log:

mapserv in realloc(): warning: junk pointer, too high to make sense
[Thu Apr 22 15:21:45 2004] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers

I had exactly the same problem when I first installed Mapserver 4.0.1
and back then I posted this message:


Someone recommended me off-list that I shouldn't use both --with-tiff and
--with-gdal, so I recompiled without --with-tiff and the errors went away.
Now when compiling Mapserver again I made sure to not use --with-tiff but
still the error messages returned. Otherwise the ./configure line is
the same (except that newer PHP source tree is used).

I also noticed that immediately *before* the "junk pointer" message in
Apache's error_log is this message:

wmftogif: not found
  Error: Can't open file (/home/mapserver/www/tmp/1082636396526241.jpg)

Might this indicate that this is all simply an error in our PHP/Mapscript
application? Can a "junk pointer" message be caused by wmftogif (whatever
that is) not finding a file it wants? Unfortunately I am not the one who
develops applications on this server, I just install the necessary base
software. So I don't know whether the error is caused by me or by
Toomas Aas | toomas.aas at raad.tartu.ee | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
* My wife ran off with my best friend, and i sure do miss him.

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