[Mapserver-users] QueryByRectangle problem (PostGIS layer, PHP/MapScript)

Vojtech Honzik V.Honzik at sh.cvut.cz
Mon Feb 16 10:16:21 EST 2004

I have following problem:
When I do a query by point, everything goes ok as well as query by
rectangle querying only one feature.
When querying multiple features, error
WARNING:  there is already a transaction in progress
ERROR:  cursor "mycursor" already exists

I have been told that this is caused by that fact that MapsCript does not
close connections after itself. The solution should be adding
explicit "CLOSE cursor" to mappostgis.h
but - I am running the Mapserver on windows platform and I was not able to
compile PHP MapScript module with the fix (because I don't have VC++
compiler as suggested)

I'd like to ask:
1. What component "downgrade" could fix this error?

2. If you would prefer patch and recompilation, is there a way to produce
php_mapscript.dll using g++?

3. Does there exist another way how to solve this multiple query problem?

Truly yours,
Vojtech Honzik

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