failing getting map's coords.

temiz temiz at DEPREM.GOV.TR
Thu Sep 2 02:53:49 EDT 2004

sorry in advance for my asking the long code
but I am rying for a while but it fails. I just adapted the code
which resides in wiki's site to my purpose.

if (!extension_loaded('')) {
  if (!dl('')) {

function click2map ($click_x, $click_y) {
    global $map;
    $e= &$map->extent; //for saving writing
    $x_pct = ($click_x / $map->width);
    $y_pct = 1 - ($click_y / $map->height);
    $x_map = $e->minx + ( ($e->maxx - $e->minx) * $x_pct);
    $x_map2=$_GET['$x_map'] ;

    $y_map = $e->miny + ( ($e->maxy - $e->miny) * $y_pct);
        return array($x_map, $y_map);


$map = ms_newMapObj($map_file);

$jeolayer = $map->getLayerByName("jeo");
$jeoClass0 = $jeolayer->getClass(9);
$jeoStyle = $jeoClass0->getStyle("*");

$map_pt = click2map($_GET['image_x'],$_GET['image_y'],$map->extent);
//Create the point
$pt = ms_newPointObj();
$pt-> setXY($map_pt[0],$map_pt[1]);

$img = $map->draw();
$layer = $map->getLayerByName('fay');
$url = $img->saveWebImage();

                <TITLE>Example 1: Displaying a map</TITLE>
<form method="get" action="query2.php" >
   <input style="border:thin solid black;" type="image"
          name="image" src="<?php echo $url?>"  >
query2 .php:
  echo $HTTP_GET_VARS['dene'];
I only get image's coordinates. But  I could get nothing about map's
and any variable from 1st php file during running of query2 .php.

Are there anyone having any idea ?

kind regards

Ahmet Temiz

Inflex - installed on mailserver for domain
Queries to: postmaster at

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