fusion of two different shape files

Eduardo Spremolla edspremolla at ANTEL.COM.UY
Thu Sep 9 08:42:05 EDT 2004

Then you have to set first a layer for the polygonal an after it a point
layer for the river. Are you shure is a point layer?
You may need to iterate over the points and generate line objects, since
a point layer will only show the points that I assume are river turns.


El jue, 09-09-2004 a las 04:31, sudip dey escribió:
> Hello , i am working upon a GIS project using PHP-mapscript and
> mapserver in windows environment. My job is to color all those areas
> of the map,which is genereted by a polygonal shape file, over which
> the river flows,the river is again generated by a point type shape
> file. Please help me in solving this problem and if possible with some
> code. Thanks. 
Eduardo Spremolla <edspremolla at antel.com.uy>
Antel I+D

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