postgis and query

Alberto Cavalli alberto.cavalli at SINTRANET.IT
Wed Sep 15 05:17:49 EDT 2004

Hi dear,
I'm working with postgresql 8.0 beta1, postgis 0.9 and mapserver 4.0 on win
I putted all my shape in my db and I need to make a query below in my web

select h887_p.num_foglio, h887_p.num_part, h887_p.area as area_particella,
)))/area2d(h887_p.the_geom)*100)::numeric ,0) as percentuale from h887_p
where (h887_p.the_geom && v_pub.the_geom);

My problem is thath I don't know how can I make this query in mapserver for
a specific point, I think thath I need phpmapscript and querybypoint.
Can someone explain to me the right way to do this or send an example of
thanks in advance

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