Handling multiple maps hierarchically

Tamas Szekeres szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU
Fri Aug 19 16:36:24 EDT 2005

Is there any way to join multiple maps in one map.
In my case I have a map of the country and a large number of maps (~400)
of the cities and villages. It would be desirable if the proper map could
be drawn over the map of the country if the map is zoomed to the location
of the city or village. This should be extended to more levels in
hierarchy, eg. using a map for the whole continent and ensuring to draw
the map of the country over the map of the continent after zooming to the
appropriate area.

I think it would give a solution if a map could be drawn as a raster layer
in other map, and a tileindex file could contain the .map files for the
given locations.

Any suggestions would be appreciated,

Tamas Szekeres

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