query about html legends

joanne cook j.cook at OXFORDARCH.CO.UK
Thu Dec 1 03:46:57 EST 2005

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to implement an html legend in my map that has checkboxes for layer control and does not display those layers that are out of scale. So far so good. However, when I zoom in to the extent that my layers are visible, they appear switched off in the legend, regardless of their previous state. They are all set to "on" in my map. My html legend template is shown below:
[leg_layer_html Opt_Flag=14]
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
  <td align="center">
    <input type="checkbox" name="layer_status" value="[leg_layer_name]"[if name=layer_status oper=eq value=1]CHECKED[/if][if name=layer_status oper=eq value=2]CHECKED[/if]>
  <td><img src="[leg_icon height=15 width=15]" height=15 width=15></td>
  <td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">[if name=layer_name oper=neq value=][leg_layer_name][/if][if name=layer_name value=]* Name Not Set*[/if]</font></td>
Can anyone help me out with this?
Many thanks
Joanne Cook BSc MLitt AIFA
Information Systems Coordinator
Oxford Archaeology North

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