MapServer CGI : Url encoding of negative values for mapext parameter ?

Laurent Jégou jegou at UNIV-TLSE2.FR
Fri Dec 2 08:21:22 EST 2005

Hi, a simple question this time :

I'm generating 36x18 ten degrees squares maps with (UMN genuine) 
MapServer, using php to generate <img src=" MapServer cgi calls. So i 
use the cgi variable mapext=. Example of sch an url :


But it's not working when negative values occurs, and since the spatial 
reference is lat/long wgs84, there are some negatives...

Anyone can help me to find the right url syntax for the mapext paramater ?

Laurent Jégou
IGE Cartographe
UTM - Dépt. Géographie
31058 TOULOUSE Cedex 9 -

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