Mapserv.exe under Apache doesn't finish requests

Dijken, M. van (Martin) Martin.van.Dijken at RIJNMOND.POLITIE.NL
Fri Feb 18 04:52:31 EST 2005


I've installed fwtools binary of mapserv. After a few environment mistakes,
mapserv loads ok. When I browse to a map with a wfs layer, I see mapserv
writing files in my cache directory. The browser however stays on "loading"
and never actually displays an image. When I reload the page I get an error
saying the gml files are corrupt, which they now are. Mapserv somehow seems
to load only part of the GML into a file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Martin van Dijken

PS Some details:

Tried FWTools 0.9.4 and 0.9.6
Windows 2003 Server
Oracle Application Server 9.0.4 (is apache 1.3 I think)

After turning on debug logging I get the following in my log. This is
however, it seems, logging only from the second attempt and nothing appears
in the logs for the first time I loaded the map.

CGI Request 1 on process 5108
HTTP: Starting to prepare HTTP requests.
HTTP request: id=12,
HTTP request: id=12, found in cache, skipping.
HTTP: Before download loop
HTTP: After download loop
msHTTPExecuteRequests() timing summary per layer (connect_time +
time_to_first_packet + download_time = total_time in seconds)
msDrawMap(): Layer 2 (kaart4), 0.062s
MOD_OC4J_0080: After calling Apache's ap_bwrite(), got an return value: -1
and the client could have aborted in the middle of receiving the chunk data.
MOD_OC4J_0058: Failed to handle response chunk data passed in from oc4j via
MOD_OC4J_0035: After handling ajp13 response message, got an invalid value:
MOD_OC4J_0121: Failed to service request with network worker: home_15 and it
is not recoverable.
MOD_OC4J_0013: Failed to call destination: home's service() to service the

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