tfw problem

Frank Warmerdam fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM
Mon Feb 28 10:16:26 EST 2005

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 00:17:48 +0100, Karel Cech <stradivarius at> wrote:
> hi list,
> recently I ran into problems displaying rasters with mapserver. I have
> some 12 tiled ttf imges in S-JTSK (say EPSG 2065?) using tfw files.
> what would be a best way to display it in wgs84? I have read docs, but
> surely I had missed something.


Krovak is tricky because some uses of Krovak projection use
unusual axis orientations which may not be well handled by
PROJ.4 - or at least the epsg derived definitions.  I would encourage
you to start by running gdalinfo on your file and making sure that
it's lat/long corners make sense.  If the file has no projection
definition you might want to add it manually with a command line:

  gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:2065 ostrava01.ttf ostrava01_geo.tif
  gdalinfo ostrava01_geo.tif

If that works properly, then MapServer should be ready to
handle the projection of the image.

You mention that your example mapfile displays a while image.
I am not sure why that is, since the .tfw file and the image
should be enough for MapServer to work on even if it does
not understand the actual coordinate system.  There could
be a variety of normal issues of course.  Have you enabled
the layer in your render (STATUS ON really means this
layer can be enabled), are there any path problems?
Is the image white?  etc.  Normal MapServer debugging rules

I would encourage you to work out your base problems before
trying to address the projections related issues.

PS. why the .ttf extension?  I am assuming these are TIFF files,
for which the normal extension would be .tif or possibly .tiff.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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