using Mapserver for on-the-fly raster data?

Frank Warmerdam fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jul 7 10:38:26 EDT 2005

On 7/7/05, Jeff de La Beaujardiere <jeff2005 at> wrote:
> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> > I think the "simpliest" would be to have two VRT files for each target
> > image, using the above method, and then another VRT file that
> > mosaics them (using the SimpleSource method instead of raw bands).
> It works!! Thanks for the suggestion.  For the record, my 3 VRT files
> are reproduced below.
> Now, is there any way to combine this arrangement with Mapserver's
> partial(?) support for WMS Time, Elevation and other sample Dimensions?


Steve is the authority on that.  But my understanding is that works by
populating a tileindex instead of having a separate layer for each
timestamp.  The tileindex has the usual footprint and filename, but
you can add extra columns, like time, and select on them in WCS
requests.  I don't know to what extent this works via WMS or other

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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