making efficient map layers

Schuyler Erle schuyler at NOCAT.NET
Tue Mar 22 12:00:43 EST 2005

* On 22-Mar-2005 at  8:11AM PST, Stephen Woodbridge said:
> Two, for when you are zoomed out you need a generalized road network
> and it might be better to use something from the National Map of
> other non-tiger source. The problem with tiger is that it is a
> millions of little tiny segments most of which are less than a pixel
> when you are zoomed out. A generalized layer is an approximation of
> that with a whole lot less points.

I have some Python code that implements Douglad-Peucker simplification
for polylines in OGR. If anyone wants to remind me to do so, I'll
polish it off and I'll offer it up as an example Python script for the
GDAL distro.


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