Fwd: Problem with raster and ortho projection

Diego Savardi diego.savardi at GMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 1 05:18:19 EDT 2005

Hi all, 
I'm encountering some problems while trying to draw an entire image of the 
world using orthogonal projection.
I use a lat-lon raster image derived from the nasa bluemarble and a 
shapefile of the world countries as layers. I'm working with cgi-mapserver 
4.6 and also with java mapscript, and with both I have problems. 
There's something wrong with the image boundary, it seems that mapserver 
draw the raster only when the extent cross the image border, like it's 
trying to maintain square the raster area.. it happens only for the raster, 
the shapefile is drawn correctly (except from some points that fall in 0,0).
If I zoom in to fill all the image with the map everything works correctly, 
on the other side if I zoom out just to see the entire globe there's no 
raster image drawn, only the shapefile works.

With the bluemarble layer I've tried to use also the processing parameters 

Here there are the parameters I use:

map.setProjection("+proj=ortho +lat_0=10 +lon_0=33 +x_0=0 +y_0=0");
map.setSize(800, 800);
map.setExtent(-6000000, -6000000, 6000000, 6000000);

and here there's a picture to better understand what I mean: 


The problem seems not to have relation with poles or -180 longitude line.

Thanks in advance for any advice,
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