MySQL access and joins

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Wed Sep 7 19:09:22 EDT 2005


Using MapServer (compiled --with-mygis) I have a shapefile and a MySQL
table which I'd like to join on a certain field.  I was pointed to the
following page:

Will simple MySQL tables work as the join table?  I believe --with-mygis
will work on a non-sppatial DB

Having said this, what is the state of affairs with mygis and MapServer?
Can I use --with-mygis to connect to MySQL tables with point x/y
columns?  We have done so using the unixODBC and OGR's virtual spatial
data option, but I wonder if the mapmygis.c functionality would perform

If anyone has examples of connecting a MySQL table as a x/y field, that
would be great.



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