Zoom to fit

Schnitter, Stefan Stefan.Schnitter at T-SYSTEMS.COM
Wed Dec 13 12:33:33 EST 2006

Hi all,

Is there a way to zoom automatically to fit a certain group of elements?
Example1: I have a layer which has a filter and I'd like to show that
extent that includes all filtered objects or
Example2: I use "normal" zoom interface with which the user marks a
bounding box - can I tell mapserver somehow to zoom further to fit the
objects that are actually contained in this box?

Does anyone know of some mapserver-feature or mapscript solution with
which one could accomplish somehting like this?

TIA, Stefan

Dr. Stefan Schnitter
T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, SSC ENPS, PCT11sts
Traffic Management & Network Optimization
Phone: +49 (0) 6151 937-8521

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