Searching for closest object in mapserver

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Jul 3 14:16:08 EDT 2006

The normal MapServer Itasca demo does this as does:

The relevant parameters are mode=query and qlayer=[some layer name] (optional). The other piece
is submitting a point to use for the query and there are several ways to do that. Most often you use
imxy/imgext but can also simply send a point in map coordinates using mapxy.


>>> Jelmer Baas <baas at SPEERIT.NL> 7/3/2006 10:39:50 AM >>>
Steve Lime wrote:
> It is possible with the CGI. A straight mode=query will give you the  closest
> feature in qlayer or across mulitiple layers if qlayer is not specified. The search
> will respect any tolerances set within a particular layer.

Thanks, Steve,

Though, I can't seem to find the right combination of which CGI switches 
to use. Would you be able to provide me with an example?

Jelmer Baas

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