fastest way to convert lon-lat to points

Roberto Bianconi roberto.bianconi at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jul 26 13:39:15 EDT 2006

On 7/20/06, P Kishor <punkish at> wrote:
> On 7/20/06, Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at> wrote:
> > Puneet: Why is speed such a big deal or will you be doing this often?
> I will be doing this a few times a year (so, often, although not
> necessarily often enough), but this portion is only a part of a longer
> process. So, I have to optimize each step as much as I can for overall
> better rate of return.
> >
> > Anyway, if it were me I'd just write a quick MapScript script using
> > perl. Create a new shapefileObj, a new XBase table, open the file and
> > start looping. The loop itself should have like 3 lines of code. The
> > whole script should be about 15...
> >

suppose your csv file is made of these records:


In Perl you might go like this. Actually a bit more than 15 lines, but
you can reduce it if you like :))

use mapscript;
use XBase;
my $csv = 'dummy.csv';
my $outfile = 'dummy_out'; # any name with no extension

my $table = XBase->create(name => "$outfile.dbf",
                        field_names =>['X','Y','VALUE'],
                        field_types => ['N','N','N'],
                        field_lengths => [8,8,10],
                        field_decimals => [3,3,0]) or die XBase->errstr;

my $shapefile = new mapscript::shapefileObj($outfile,1) or die;

open (CSV,"<$csv") or die "Cannot open $csv: $!\n";
my @lines = <CSV>;
close (CSV);

my $i = -1;
foreach (@lines) {
    my @rec = split /,/;
    my ($x,$y,$value) = @rec;
    $table->set_record($i, at rec) or die XBase->errstr;
    my $point = new mapscript::pointObj();
    my $line = new mapscript::lineObj();
    my $shape = new mapscript::shapeObj();
$shapefile = '';


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