Item Query Hilight

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Mar 13 23:55:51 EST 2006

Maurizio: I've testing things with the Itasca demo and can verify that query maps do work with line features. I tried 4.8 and 4.9 (CVS) with shapefiles and simple styles.

What does your class definitions look like for the line layer? Query map processing only changes the color of the top style (the last one in the class) so I suppose, depending on your symbolization, there could be an issue there. Won't know without more info.


>>> Maurizio Esposito <m.esposito at SOFTEC-SRL.COM> 03/13/06 5:05 AM >>>
Hi list,
my problem is rather simple, but very important for my application
in my mapfile I use two layers from PostGIS, streets and buildings
streets are type line, while buildings are polygon.
When querying, with query hilite , buildings are correctly hilited in
yellow in the query map,while streets don't.
Data from templates are correct, I can see in the template name and id of
all queried streets, but no hilight in the query map.
For buildings ( maybe cause are polygons? ) everything works fine.
This problem comes both in single and in multi query mode.
Any help ?

Maurizio Esposito

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