Filter vs. seperate shapefiles

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Mon Mar 27 18:34:12 EST 2006

Kevin: Anything you can do ahead of time will always make things run faster. The question of how much faster is another matter. That is dependent on the number of features and the types of expressions (straight string comparison is much faster). If your site is going to get hammered then even tiny speed improvements may be worth the pre-processing.


>>> Kevin Flanders <kevin at PEOPLEGIS.COM> 03/27/06 3:35 PM >>>
Is it better (ie. faster) to have several map layers reference the same
shapefile using FILTER statements to specify the shapes they reference, or
to create several different for each class (on/off
control is required for each layer, which is why we are not simply using
different CLASSES).

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