ecw support- Alternate implementation

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at MMMTIKE.FI
Tue Mar 28 01:40:37 EST 2006

Tim Bowden wrote:
>Hi all,

>I have been playing around with ecw image files with mapserver but have
>come up against a licensing issue.  The license offered by ermapper is
>vague so I queried them about it and it turns out it is only available
>for open source use (without license fee) if used for /non-commercial/
>open source use.  As our use of it is /commercial/ open source we are
>unable to use it without negotiating a license fee.

>Does anyone know of any /true/ open source ecw drivers that would work
>with mapserver?

It's hard to believe so because ER Mapper is the patend holder of ECW format. If their licence is not suitable for you it coud be time to start studying JPEG 2000.
-Jukka Rahkonen-

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