Compilation problem with 4.10.rc1

José Vicente Higon higon_jos at GVA.ES
Wed Oct 4 03:24:17 EDT 2006

My goal is to run mapserver without the bug 1916 wich has been fixed in 
the last release (4.10.rc1). I'm trying to compile it on linux with this 

./configure --with-wms --with-wmsclient --with-wfs --with-wfsclient 
--with-wcs --with-gd --with-proj --with-freetype --with-curl 
--with-postgis --with-threads --with-gd --with-gdal --with-ogr --with-geos

but an error occurs:

"mapgeos.c:34:20: geos_c.h: File not found."

Can someone help me? I'm using the 2.1.4 version of geos and the file 
geos_c.h doesn't exist.

Thanks in advance.


 José Vicente Higón
 Grupo de desarrollo de gvSIG 
 Conselleria de Infraestructuras y Transporte
 Generalitat Valenciana
 Valencia - Spain

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