Create a polygon layer using PHPMAPSCRIPT

Murat BEYHAN beyhan at DEPREM.GOV.TR
Thu Oct 5 09:28:26 EDT 2006

Dear Friends;
I would like to make a polygon layer by using phpmapscript.
By the following php code code its not create any error.
But the layer could not be vieved on the map.
Actually I would like to make an expression that only one border of the
district will be drawn on the map since you selected the name of the district
from the database and there are two way to draw layer of the polygon, one is
to send the name of the district to the map and onether is create the layer
for that district on php. Am I rigth?
I really don't have any idea which way is acceptable for that. On the map file
the layer for the whole districts already drawn by the following

LAYER # ilceler
                NAME district
                DATA tr_ilce_siniri_dd
                STATUS on
                TYPE LINE
                CLASSITEM "ILCE_AD"
                NAME "ILCE SINIRLARI"
###                expression ('[il_adi]' eq '$iladi)
                 COLOR 211 211 211
                OUTLINECOLOR 230 230 250
                END # end of States class object
                END # end of layer object     

But I would like to draw a district highlighted on the map in order to see
easily than other district.
By using expression it is easy but The name of the district will be a variable
on php. Users on the net for accessing to draw their district. The name of the
district comes to php code as $iladi by querying mysql select expression.then
the name of the district will be hihglighted on the map.

I have tried the following but I couldn't construct how I will create polygone
layer on the php mapscript
any idea will be appreciated...

$layer = ms_newLayerObj($map);
        $layer->set("name", "polygon");
	$layer->set("data", "tr_ilce_siniri_dd");
        $layer->set("type", MS_LAYER_POLYGON);
        $layer->set("status", MS_ON);

        $class = ms_newClassObj($layer);
        $class->set("status", MS_ON);
	$class->setExpression("'[ilce_ad]' EQ $ilceadi");
        $class->label->set("type", MS_TRUETYPE);
        $class->label->set("font", 'arial');
        $class->label->color->setRGB( 200,200,200);
        $class->label->outlinecolor->setRGB(255, 255, 255);
        $class->label->set("size", 12);
        $class->label->set("position", 9);

        $style = ms_newStyleObj($class);
        $style->set("symbol", $map->getsymbolbyname( 'cline'));
        $style->set("size", 8);
        $style->color->setRGB( 200,200,200);
        $style->outlinecolor->setRGB(255, 255, 255);

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