- SOLUTION (sort of) Am I correct in assuming this won't work? (map_web_template=select_html)

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Sat Oct 14 10:55:58 EDT 2006

Bob: The web template has a security hobble to limit changing the
template unless you explicitly allow it. It was added a while ago for
cases when many companies were hosted on one machine and folks didn't
want any sharing.

Anyway, there is a parameter called TEMPLATEPATTERN that takes a regex
as a value that allows you to filter the values set using
map_web_template. Perhaps it should be applied against legend templates
but that's not the case now (there's not much if any risk/reward with
legend templates). So you might set something like:


So setting map_web_template=template1 would be allowed but
map_web_template=template4 would not.

Clear as mud?


>>> Bob Basques <bob.b at GRITECHNOLOGIES.COM> 10/13/06 9:27 PM >>>

Hmmm, after some experimentation, this does work:


Not exactly what I need, but I think it will work OK for me now, I just 
need to copy a few things in the BROWSE html template this way.

Funny though that the LEGEND works, but the WEB object doesn't.



Bob Basques wrote:
> All,
> I'm trying to generate a different LEGEND (then specified in the 
> MapFILE) by passing a CGI request to MapSever with a MAPFILE parameter

> change:
> map_web_template=select.html (Am I correct in assuming that the 
> map_legend_template=<something else> would react the same way?)
> This doesn't seem to have any effect though.
> Should this work?  Or is it one of those few things that can't be 
> changed via the URL?  Only intended for Layer stuff for example.
> Thanks
> bobb

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