Modify a map file on the fly...

Luca Casagrande luca.casagrande at GMAIL.COM
Tue Oct 17 06:31:54 EDT 2006

Hi to all!
I am working on a mapserver interface that do those tasks:
1) Have the user input some value in a form
2) Submitting this form will create a file.shp in the data folder
3) Add this layer in the list of all available layer..

Before going deep in the project, I'd like your opinion on point number 3:
the problem I am thinking about, is how edit the layer list for each different user that surf the page.
If i add the "form created shp" to the mapfile, all the user that come on the site will see it..

Am I missing something, or this can be a problem?

Thank you very much

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