PHP Mapscript and WMS Server

Nicol Hermann mapserver at GEOWORLD.DE
Mon Sep 4 05:13:25 EDT 2006


thank you very much for your mail.
I'm afraid there is still a problem somewhere.
I checked out the latest cvs release and rerun my test script but the
"bad lines" at the end are still present. PHP mapscript version is:
$Id: php_mapscript.c,v 1.259 2006/08/31 15:34:30 assefa Exp $
Is there's something i could do to further debug this issues?

Maybe an other issue.
I put together a simple wms server map-file which includes an other wms
(demis). When i execute my PHP script with
the Content-type won't be set correct.

Content-type: image/png 



When i execute the same script with the cgi version it works fine and
the image appears.

I tried to set the Content-Type within my PHP script. Sadly this don't
change anything.
You could find my scripts to reproduce the problem at:

Should i open a bug report on this?

Many thank for your assistance

Am Samstag, den 02.09.2006, 12:31 -0400 schrieb Frank Warmerdam: 
> Nicol Hermann wrote:
> > Hi Frank,
> > 
> > thank you very much for the given example.
> > I tried your script and in general it works.
> > There a two things which are strange.
> > 
> > I tried the following REQUEST
> > http://localhost/~nicol/mapserver/dev/wxsGetMap.php?REQUEST=GetMap&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS=flurst&WIDTH=200&HEIGHT=200&FORMAT=image/gif&SRS=EPSG:31467&BBOX=3419615.22636,5523296.90857,3420494.15553,5524175.83774
> > The resulting image contains "bad lines" on the end.
> > Here is the output so that you can see what i mean.
> >
> > The datasource of this layer is postgresql/postgis.
> Nicol,
> There was a bug with the buffer not being properly resized when
> the content type was stripped which is likely what you are seeing.
> This is correct now in CVS and should be fixed in the beta2 release.
> > The second thing:
> > When i change the outputformat to png (image/png) the image is
> > completely broken.
> > Has this behaviour something to do with the first issue mentioned?
> I've no idea what might be causing this.
> Best regards,

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